Unlike a lot of western cooking, Malaysian vegetable dishes often contain a small amount of meat to add flavour.

Broccoli with Prawn : Broccoli isn't one of the most popular dishes in the western world but if cooked correctly it is delicious. The main thing to remember, whether frying or blanching broccoli, is not to over cook it.

Stir Fried Broccoli : Stir frying relies on having a hot wok and not keeping the food in it for too long. This recipe makes use of Shao xing wine, ginger and oyster sauce.

Broccoli with Pork : Tired of just boiling broccoli? Try this recipe that uses a small amount of pork to fried broccoli and see this vegetable dish in a whole new light.

Leek with Pork : Although leek is usually available in most supermarkets in Australia it is not a vegetable that is in great demand. If cooked correctly it retains a nice crisp texture and tastes great with a little pork.

Fried Cos Lettuce : A very simple vegetable dish that makes use of a vegetable that is more usually used in salads in western food.

Fried Cabbage with Pork : In western cooking, cabbage is almost always boiled. In Asian cooking it is almost always fried. The biggest sin with regard to cooking cabbage is to over cook it. It should retain a crispness but not be raw.

Fried Greens with Pork & Prawn : You can use just about any green leafy vegetable with this dish.

Carrot, Zucchini & Prawn : It might seem like an unusual combination but trust me, it has a great taste. The texture of the crisp carrot and the soft zucchini in the same dish is quite memorable.

Vegetable Dahl : Dahl (or Dhal as it is also spelled) is an Indian dish usually served with roti. Indians make up a significant proportion on the Malaysian population and food from India is very popular.

Kang Kong : Kang Kong is a green leafy vegetable with a distinct flavour. It is usually available in supermarkets and is a great addition to any Malaysian meal.

Cauliflower : Like cabbage, cauliflower in western cooking is usually boiled (in my experience it is often boiled until it is soft.) In Malaysian cooking it is fried and never allowed to get soft.

Choy Sum with Pork : This is a similar vegetable to Pak Choy (see below) and can be cooked in much the same way. It is one of the most widely available Asian greens in Australia.

French Beans with Prawn : French beans, when cooked correctly, have a great crunchy texture. Adding prawn to the dish gives a burst of flavour that makes eating them even more enjoyable.

Siew Pak Choy : Pak Choy, as it is usually called, is more or less interchangeable with Choy Sum (see above). Both are very popular in Australia and easily available.

Cucumber & Prawn : Cucumber is rarely cooked in western meals. Although it is related to the zucchini, which is almost always cooked, the humble cucumber gets overlooked as a cooked vegetable dish.

Celery with Pork : In western cooking celery is rarely used as a vegetable on its own. It is usually added to soups or other dishes along with other ingredients. This dish uses celery as the main ingredient.

Fried Brussel Sprouts : Brussel sprouts are nice enough boiled but fried they reach new heights of taste. This is a fairly basic but very tasty way of cooking brussles for use with other Asian dishes.

Young Tau Fu (tofu) : This is a rather complicated dish to cook as the preparation takes several steps and is time consuming. Although it is placed here as mainly a vegetable dish it contains both pork and fish.

Bean Sprouts (towgay)  A simple tasty vegetable dish that brings the rater plain tasting bean sprouts to life with the addition of dried seafood and garlic.

Silver Beet with Pork : Silver beet isn t something that is found in Malaysia but it is widely available in Australia, so I came up with a way of turning an Aussie vegetable into an Asian dish.

Snow Peas : Crisp sweet snow peas are a delightful vegetable. As long as you make sure you don t overcook them they will always retain their sweet flavour.

Brussel Sprouts & Snow Peas (Indian style) : This is a fusion of what are traditionally Chinese and European vegetables cooked in an Indian style. It is great with a curry.
Egg Plant Sambal : Egg plant is quite soft and can be an acquired taste. Cooked with chilli, belacan and dried shrimp this rather tasteless vegetable is transformed.

Meso Soup : A Japanese soup dish. Japanese food is popular in Malaysia and Japanese food in restaurants is far cheaper than in Australia. Making your own at home can help your budget.

Cabbage with Coconut Milk : Crispy green cabbage in a sauce of rich coconut cream with a hint of chilli.


Chai Choi : A vegetarian dish with a lot of different ingredients. It takes a while to prepare and about an hour to cook but you won't get this flavour any other way.

Shrimp flavoured Wombok : The shrimp cube used in this recipe has quite a strong flavour and is similar to belacan. This may take a bit of getting used to if you have not tried it before. Still it is worth it.

Spring Onions with Pork : Spring onions in western cooking tend to be relegated to salads and as a garnish but in here it is cooked as the main vegetable dish.

Mint Soup : This is an acquired taste as mint is not a commonly used vegetable in western cooking. It is simple to prepare and is supposed to help reduce stomach gas.

Daikon with Pork : Daikon is a large radish used a great deal in Japanese cooking. This is a Chinese take on cooking this vegetable and includes pork meat.

Garlic shoots with Prawn : Garlic shoots are an unusual vegetable in Australia but they are gradually appearing in more and more shops. This is one way they can be used in cooking.

Pak Choy and Chicken : A simple vegetable dish that uses a small amount of chicken to add flavour and texture.

Egg Plant with Mustard Seed : A very simple Indian inspired dish that goes very well with any Indian meat curry dish.

Kai Lan : The best way to describe Kai Lan is a very 'green' tasting vegetable. You will know what I mean when you eat it. This recipe uses a small amount of pork.

Sweet Tomato Chutney : A simple to make Indian side dish that can be served with Dhal and curry on rice. It is very tasty and can be kept in the fridge for a couple of weeks.

Zucchini with Prawn : Quick and easy, this dish is also full of flavour thanks to the prawns. It is important to buy good quality prawn to get the best flavour.

Chilli Trombocini : Trombocini is an unusual vegetable and may not always be available to an alternative vegetable is choko.

Glass Shrimp Zucchini : Perhaps a bit of an unusual taste combination for a European palette but this is packed with different textures and flavours.

Malay Style Trombocini : A Malay style dish using coconut milk and chillies. If you can't get trombocini then substitute it with chokos.

Kai Choy (Mustard Greens) : An unusually flavoured vegetable that has a slightly bitter taste. This dish is tasty and quick to cook.

Spicy Trombocini : This was just a quick dish that I thought up for lunch and it turned out to be one of the best recipes I have come up with - according to my taste testers that is :)

Broccoli Leaves : Not many people know that apart from the immature flower heads, the leaves of broccoli are also edible. This is a recipe you can try.

Lotus Root : A simple and rather plain dish that gets most of its flavour from fermented soy beans and garlic. The lotus root adds a crunchy texture but not much flavour.

Chilli Cucumber : It is surprising how some rather humble and ignored vegetables can end up producing such tasty dishes.

Braised Chilli Eggplant : This dish takes a bit longer to prepare than many others but the flavour is unusual and worth the effort.

Tong Hoe : If you are looking for a vegetable dish with an unusual flavour then you can't go past this one. In fact it is so unusual it isn't possible to really compare it to anything else.

Sugar Snaps & Black Bean : Sugar snap peas are similar to snow peas in taste so you can substitute one for the other in any similar recipe.

Emperor's Dish : This dish has a story behind it which doesn't fit here so check out the recipe to see.

Lotus & Snow Peas : A great little mixed vegetable dish with some pretty unusual vegetables. Great taste and texture.

Tatsoi : Also known as rosette bok choy. This is not always available in the shops but is easy to grow in the home garden if you can get the seeds.

Egg Foo Yong : This is a very well known dish but I have my own style of cooking it. Foo Yong is basically egg omelet with various ingredients added in.

Enoki & Lotus Root : Quick and tasty this vegetable dish has an unusual texture with the lotus root being crispy and the enoki mushrooms having their own unique soft crunch.

Popiah : Popiah are spring rolls that are not deep fried. The wrapper is eaten 'raw' or uncooked. They take a while to make but they are a fun social dish to eat.

Asparagus & Squid : Asparagus isn't a cheap vegetable and what you get for the money you pay isn't a lot but it does make some nice dishes. This is one of them.

Por Choi (English spinach) : A simple, tasty vegetable dish to go with just about anything.

Hairy Gourd : An unusual vegetable in Australia but one that can be easily grown from seed. It can be used like a zucchini but is more firm.

Hairy Gourd with Coconut : Another recipe for hairy gourd. If you can't get the gourd then you can substitute zucchini.

Choko & Prawn : Chokos are easy to grow and nice to eat. If you haven't already got one in your garden then why not plant one now?

Kang Kong Belacan : Strong flavour is the signature of this dish as it uses dried prawn, chilli and belacan.

Bean Sprouts & lap Cheong : Quick and simple, this dish is great for times when you are in a hurry and want something tasty.

Pumpkin Cake : This recipe involves quite a bit of effort but the result is worth the time. It is a great way to make rather boring old pumpkin into something special.

Masak Lodeh : Vegetables, tempe and some ikan bilis (dried fish) combined with coconut cream make this a very popular dish in Malaysia.

Tangy Radish : A simple dish make with radish, 5 spice and vinegar. Easy to make and tasty.

Fried Kohlrabi : Another easy to make dish with this increasingly popular vegetable. Kohlrabi is also easy to grow in your own garden.

Chive Shoots with Pork : Chives shoots are not always easy to find and can be substituted with garlic shoots.
Okra with Dried Shrimp in Chilli oil : Okra can be hard to find but if you can get some try this dish, it is not a slimy as other okra dishes.
Kohlrabi and Cucumber : This was an experimental dish that turned out pretty well. I used purple kohlrabi that tastes a bit similar to a radish.
Kohlrabi, Pork and Cincalok : This was one of my experimental dishes that was made up as I went along. It turned out so well that I have included it here although it could be viewed as a meat dish or a veggie dish.
Hairy Gourd with Fish : Seems as though I am doing a lot of experimental cooking lately. This is another one that was worth writing down.
Daikon Soup : An easy to make soup with the main ingredient being daikon radish.
Daikon Cake : A bit of a time consuming dish to make but it makes great use of a daikon radish and tastes great too!


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All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.




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