Lets Eat Malaysian




Beef isn't used a great deal by Chinese Malaysians but is used more by Malays. There are some delicious dishes made with beef and I have put some of may favourites here.

This website contains only a few of my recipes. If you would like the whole collection please purchase my cook book. There are 11 Beef recipes in the book. The book is available only in PDF format but it can be printed if you want a hard copy.

Don't forget to check out my cooking class videos on my YouTube recipe channel..

Unless otherwise noted, all the recipes here are for 3 servings. Some will require the addition of rice and a vegetable dish to make a complete meal.




Beef Curry

Beef Curry : Hot and spicy Indian style beef curry, just right to eat with Dhal and roti.

If you don't want it so hot, just reduce the amount of chilli.

Beef Tomchi

Beef Tomchi : You might have a few problems finding different versions of this recipe because it is one I created all on my own.

Well I made up the name because it is beef cooked with tomato and chilli. It is tasty, tangy and very delicious. It is a bit of a western-eastern cross-over dish.

Fennel Beef

Fennel Beef : This is one of my experimental dishes. Sometimes they work out well other times they don't.

This turned out to be one of the better ones.

Pepper Beef

Pepper Beef : One of the quickest dishes I know how to prepare (if you ignore the marinating time that is).


Satay : The smell of satay cooking over charcoal while you are walking through the pasar malam is one of the enduring memories for anyone who has been to Malaysia.

Now you can make your own at home.

Serunding Beef

Serunding Beef : Coconut, beef, lemon grass and tamarind make this a very tasty dish.

Add a bit of chilli and you get a dish that bites back.


Let's Eat Malaysian website - Copyright (c) 2019 - Dorothy Loader and Marc Glasby. All rights reserved.