1 Daikon radish peeled and chopped

100g Pork sliced

10 Red dates chopped

1 tsp White pepper corns crushed

2 Dried squid sliced

2.5 cups Water

1/3 Pork stock cube

1 tsp Soya sauce

2 tbsp Cooking oil

Salt to taste

Serves 4



Put soya sauce into the pork and mix. Marinate until needed



Grind the white pepper



Put cooking oil into a large saucepan on medium high heat



Add the dried squid



Add the red dates



Add the pork meat



Add the pork stock and stir well



Add salt



Add the daikon radish



Add pepper



Add water



Cover and cook for about 20 minutes. Lower heat to medium.



Serve on its own in soup bowls or you can add it to rice.






All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


Let's Eat Malaysian


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