7 King prawns (clean and dice) Sprinkle with sugar prior to cooking.
300g French beans
2 cloves Garlic chopped
1 tbsp Soya sauce
Pinch of MSG (optional)
Salt & sugar to taste


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Heat wok and add oil.

Add garlic and fry until brown.

Add chopped prawn.

Fry the prawn for a minute of two.

Add salt.

Put the beans into the wok.

Cook the beans until they start to soften slightly.

Add soya sauce.

Add suger.

Add water.

Cook the beans until they are crunchy but not raw. It is important not to overcook the beans. Serve on a bed of rice with your choice of meat dish. (In this case with Oyster Chicken.)




All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright ? 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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