280g Egg tofu

6 Dried shitake mushrooms

3 tbsp Meso paste

1 tsp Dashi stock

1/3 Leek sliced

1/2 Seaweed round

1 litre water

Bonito flakes (sprinkle on top)



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Soak the dried mushrooms in hot water until they soften, remove from water.



Slice the mushrooms and set aside



Cut the tofu into rounds and set aside



Put the water into a saucepan and heat. Add the meso paste.



Add dashi stock



Add the seaweed



Add the mushrooms



Add the leek and cook until it starts to soften



Add the tofu



Serve in deep soup bowls and sprinkle some bonito flakes on top.





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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