6 small Egg Plant (Brinjal) sliced

1/2 Shrimp stock cube

1/2 Onion finely chopped

1 big clove Garlic finely chopped

1 tbsp Pork fat chopped

150g Pork meat cut into strips

2 tbsp Dried glass shrimp

1/4 tsp Belacan powder

1 tbsp Chilli powder

1 tsp Sugar

3 tbsp Cooking oil
2 pinches MSG (optional)
1/2 tsp Salt

2 tbsp Water



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Cut the egg plant into oblong slices and put in water until needed. (If you don't put it in water it will turn black.)



Put cooking oil in fry pan and heat



Once the oil is hot add the egg plant and fry until cooked. You will know it is cooked when the flesh starts to look translucent.



Cook covered and as the egg plant cooks remove the cooked pieces.



Put the cooked egg plant in a bowl and set aside



Remove excess oil from the pan



Add the pork fat and fry until oil comes out



Add garlic and fry until fragrant



Add the dried shrimp



Add stock cube and break it up in the pan



Add the onion



Add the pork



Add the chilli powder



Add the belacan



Stir everything together well



Add salt



Add sugar



Once all the ingredients in the pan are well combined put the egg plant back in



Add a small amount of water



Add MSG (optional)



Serve with boiled rice and your choice of meat dish.





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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