50g Glass noodles

3 tbsp Glass shrimp

1/2 Onion chopped

3 Dried mushrooms

1/2 tsp Corn flour

1 tsp Sugar

2 tsp Light soya sauce

3 drops Sesame oil

1/4 Shrimp stock cube

2 cloves Garlic

1 Zucchini

1 pinch MSG (optional)

1/2 cup Water

1/4 tsp White pepper

2 tbsp Cooking oil

Salt to taste


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Soak the glass noodles in cold water in a small bowl and set aside until needed



Soak the dried mushrooms in hot water making sure they are submerged



If the zucchini is a bit old then remove the seeds before cutting up otherwise just cut into small segments



When the mushrooms have softened, remove them from the water and cut them into slices then set aside until needed. Also keep the mushroom water until needed.



Heat the cooking oil in a fry pan on medium high



Add garlic and fry until fragrant



Add stock cube and break it up in the pan



Add the glass shrimp and stir briefly



(For those not familiar with glass shrimp, they are simply small dried shrimp that have quite a strong smell.) The picture below shows what they look like.



Add the mushroom



Add the onion



Add salt



Add sugar



Add zucchini and stir through well



Add soya sauce



Add a small amount of the mushroom water (about 1/4 of a cup)



Add the noodles and stir well. Cook for 5-6 minutes



Mix the corn flour with about 1/4 cup of water and then add



Add MSG (optional)



Add the sesame oil



Add the white pepper



Serve with your favourite meat dish (stewed pork works really well with this dish) on a bed of boiled rice.






All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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