Tinned fruit and ice cream don't feature too heavily on the Malaysian dessert menu. Asian desserts can be very sweet or quite bland. Many feature coconut milk.

Pandan Chiffon Cake : Pandan (or screw pine) gives this light fluffy cake an unusual but delicious flavour. The trick with this cake is to get the egg whites nice and frothy.

Black Rice : Rice pudding is a common dessert in the west but it is nothing like black rice. This sticky, sweet dish is topped off with coconut cream and is always served nice and hot.

Mung Bean Dessert : A simple and quick dessert that can be eaten hot or cold.

Sweet potato balls (cucuk ubi) : Deep fried balls of sweet potato and flour used as a sweet snack or a dessert with coconut cream.

Agar Agar : A very simple dessert that can have any number of flavours. This is a very basic almond agar agar.

Sweet Waffles : A simple waffle iron and a wok can produce a lot of waffles very quickly. This is just one of many simple waffle recopies.

Coconut Pumpkin : A sweet dish that combines pumpkin, coconut cream and sago.

Kaya (Coconut Jam) : A time consuming recipe but it makes enough kaya to last for a whole month.

Rose Bandung Agar : Simple to make, easy to eat this rose flavoured jelly sweet is very popular.

Pearl Barley Dessert : Easy to make with only a few ingredients, this dessert can be eaten either hot or cold.

Lin Ko and Sweet Potato : Lin Ko is Chinese New Year cake and can be bought from Asian grocery stores.


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