1/4 large Cabbage chopped

1/3 Shrimp stock cube

50g Dried shrimp (pounded)

1 Onion Sliced

3 tbsp Coconut powder in 250ml water

1/2 tsp Turmeric powder

1 Red chilli sliced finely

1 tsp Sugar

2 pinches MSG (optional)

2 tbsp Cooking oil

Salt to taste



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Roughly chop the cabbage and slice the onion and chilli.



Pound the dried shrimp



Heat oil in a fry pan and add the pounded dried shrimp



Add the stock cube and break it up



Add the onion and fry until it starts to soften slightly



Add salt



Add chilli



Add the cabbage and stir fry for about 5 minutes



Add the turmeric powder and stir through



Add the coconut powder / water mixture



Add sugar



Cover and cook for about 2 minutes



Add MSG (optional)



Serve on boiled rice with your choice of meat dish. I recommend squid sambal.






All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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