3 Eggs

1 Carrot grated

3 Spring onions chopped

50g cabbage chopped

6 Prawns cleaned and chopped

3 shakes of White pepper

1/2 tsp Soya sauce

50g Chicken meat chopped

1/4 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Chicken stock

2 tbsp Cooking oil

Salt to taste



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Put the eggs into a small bowl and beat with a fork



Add chicken stock powder to the eggs



Add pepper (1 shake)



Add soya sauce



Add cooking oil to a wok on medium high heat (Note: It my be better to use a non-stick frypan)



Add spring onions



Add the chicken meat and stir briefly



Add the prawns



Add salt



Add sugar



Add pepper (2 shakes)



Add carrot



Add cabbage



Reduce heat to medium and add the egg



Serve any way you like





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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