100g Pork minced
1/2 Onion chopped
1 clove Garlic finely chopped
1 head Broccoli chopped into bite sized pieces
1 tsp Corn flour
1 tsp Shao xing wine
1 tsp Soya sauce
1 cm Ginger finely grated
2 tbsp Cooking oil
1 tsp Chicken stock powder
1/2 glass Water
Pinch of MSG (optional)
Salt and sugar to taste


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Combine the water, soya sauce, shao xing wine and ginger in a glass and set aside.


Put the cooking oil in a fry pan and heat. Add garlic and fry until brown and fragrant.



Add onion and fry until it softens



Add chicken stock powder



Add the minced pork



Add salt



Add sugar



Add broccoli



Add the corn flour mix and stir in well. Cook until broccoli is done but not soft.





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright ? 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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