3 bunches Tatsoi cut up

6 Prawns cleaned and chopped

60g Pork meat diced

1/2 tsp Corn flour

3 tbsp Cooking oil

1 tsp Chicken stock

1 tsp Sugar

1 cap Shao xing wine

2 cloves Garlic finely chopped

Salt to taste


Corn flour mix

1 tsp Corn flour

1/2 tsp Ginger minced

1/2 cup Water

1 tbsp Oyster sauce


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Cut the tatsoi up and separate the stems from the leaves



Prepare the corn flour mix and set aside until needed


As is usual when preparing chopped prawn meat remember to add a small amount of sugar and mix in. Leave until required.


Put 1/2 tsp of corn flour in with the pork and mix. Set aside until needed.


Heat oil in a wok on high heat



Add garlic and fry until fragrant



Add chicken stock



Add pork and stir briefly



Add prawns



Add salt



Add tatsoi stalks and stir fry for about a minute



Add tatsoi leaves and cook until they reduce in size



Add sugar (you can see from the following picture how much the leaves will reduce)



Add the corn flour mix and stir through for a minute



Add shao xing wine stir briefly



Serve on rice with your choice of meat dish





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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