1 pkt Frozen lotus root (450g)

1 clove Garlic chopped finely

1 cube Fermented soya bean curd (red)

2 tsp from the bean curd above

1 tsp Sugar
50g Pork lard

1/4 cube Pork stock




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Before you begin you need to defrost the frozen lotus root.


Heat fry pan on medium high heat and add the pork lard. Fry until the oil starts to coat the pan.



Add garlic and fry until fragrant



Add pork stock cube and break it up



Add the lotus root and lower heat to medium



Add the bean curd and some juice and stir through



Add sugar. Cook for about 5 minutes



Serve on boiled rice with your choice of meat dish.





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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