Rice and noodles are to Asian people what potatoes are in the west. They are our staple diet and there is an endless variety of dishes to accompany them.

Mee Siam : The word 'Siam' in this dish actually is the old name for Thailand so once again this is a dish inspired by our neighbours to the north.

5 Spice Macaroni : A dish that is nothing like the Italian or English meals prepared with this type of pasta. The archetypal Chinese ingredient, 5 Spice is once again a main component of this recipe.

Prawn Mee Hoon : In Malaysia we usually only use small prawns in our cooking but here in Australia we can get big beautiful king and banana prawns.

Kueh Teow Noodles : One of the most popular noodle dishes that is simple to prepare and tastes wonderful. My version uses both pork and prawns to give a full bodied rich flavour.

Maggi Mee : This is probably the simplest and quickest dish that I make. It is great for those times when you are too tired to do a lot of cooking but it still tastes good and is satisfying.

Yee Mee : This is a more complicated noodle dish but is still easy enough for a quick lunch. Yee Mee is pre-fried noodles that are often eaten in crispy instead of soft like other noodles.

Glass Noodles, Pork and Prawn : These noodles are unusual as when they are cooked they are quite soft but also springy. Added to this dish is dried seafood 9a mix of squid and fish) that gives it a really different flavour.

Wonton Noodles : These noodles are usually served with wontons but in this instance I am just doing the noodle side of the dish. Check the wonton recipe to see how they are prepared.

Noodles with Minced Pork : A quick easy to prepare dish that is great for lunch or a light dinner.

Hoisin Noodles : A quick tasty lunch dish for those times when you want something easy and tasty.

Birthday Noodles : This dish tastes a bit different and takes quite a bit of work but the end result is very worth while. The dried fish will smell odd but don't let that put you off.

Black Bean Noodles : Made with black soya beans and Chinese black vinegar this dish a quick, easy and tasty.

Dried Jambrong (Sole) Kueh Teow : Although the dried fish may be a bit stinky when you cook it, I promise it tastes much better than it smells.

Fried Kueh Teow (Wat tan hor) : This is quite a different way of cooking kueh teow to my recipe above as it involves searing the noodles.

Pork Noodles with Kidney : Some people don't eat kidney but for those who do this is a nice dish.

Thai Laksa : This version of laksa has Thai flavours that come from lemon grass and kaffir lime combined with tamarind.

Pan Mee : Now this one is a bit more complicated than my normal noodle dishes but you can cut down on the work by purchasing fresh noodles rather than making your own.

Stinky Noodles : Ok so the name might seem a bit odd but don't let it put you off. The dried fish and squid does smell quite a bit before it is cooked but it tastes great in the final dish.

Fried Fresh Ho Fun : This is one of my favourite noodle dishes. It has an authentic Malaysian flavour and the fresh noodles make it special.


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All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright (c) 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.




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