300g Bean Sprouts
1 piece Dried seafood sliced
1/2 bunch Garlic chives chopped
3 Dried chillies chopped
1 tsp Sugar
2 cloves Garlic chopped finely
1 Chicken stock cube
1 pinch MSG (optional)
2 tbsp Cooking oil
Salt to taste


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Heat oil in a fry pan and add the sliced dried seafood.



Fry until fragrant then add the garlic. Fry until it starts to brown slightly.



Add salt



Add the chillies



Add the stock cube and break it up in the pan.

Add the sugar



Add the chives and bean sprouts. Cook for a few minutes making sure not to overcook the bean sprouts.



Add MSG (optional)



Serve on rice with your choice of meat dish.







All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright ? 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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