1 Hairy gourd chopped

1 small Onion sliced

3 Banana prawns cleaned and chopped

100 ml Coconut cream

2 tsp Crispy prawn chilli

2 tbsp Cooking oil

2 pinches MSG (optional)

1 tsp Sugar

3 tbsp Water


Crispy prawn chilli



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The hairy gourd has a prickly skin so peel it and it might be a good idea to hold it with a cloth or rub it with a cloth first



If the gourd is a bit old and the seeds are hard then scoop them out first and discard them



Cut the gourd up into small oblong pieces



Put coking oil into a frypan and heat on medium heat



Add onion



Add crispy prawn chilli



Add chopped prawn



Add salt



Add the chopped gourd



Add the coconut cream and stir well and rinse the tin with the water and add



Reduce heat to low. Cover and cook until the gourd is just cooked. Don't overcook it and make it soft.



Add MSG (optional)



Serve with boiled rice and your choice of meat dish





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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