With Tatsoi





1 bunch (200g) tatsoi

100g Pork meat sliced

75g Pork fat cubed

12 Prawns cleaned and shelled

4 biscuits Pork steak noodles

3 Dried fish (Jambrong)

4 cloves Garlic finely chopped

1/2 tsp Corn flour

1 tbsp Soya sauce

1 tsp Soya sauce (in the pork)

1 tbsp Oyster sauce

1 1/2 tsp Dark soya sauce

5 Dried mushrooms

3 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Chicken stock powder

9 pieces Squid, pineapple cut

1/8 tsp Black pepper

4 tbsp Water (mushroom water)

Cooking oil


The noodles and dried fish





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Soak the dried mushrooms in hot water until they are soft then cut into slices. Also keep the mushroom water until needed.


Put the pork into a bowl and add corn flour and 1 tsp of


 soya sauce and mix well. Set aside until needed.



Boil some water in a saucepan, add 1 tsp of sugar



Add 2 tbsp of cooking oil



Add the tatsoi and blanch it for 90 seconds



Drain and put into a dish



Add 1 tbsp of Oyster sauce



Discard the water from the saucepan and add fresh water. Boil again and add another 2 tbsp of oil



Add the noodles and cook until they are soft. Drain the water off and set the noodles aside until needed.



Now put enough cooking oil to deep fry the dried fish in a wok and heat. Add the dried fish.



Fry the fish until it is golden brown - try to ignore the smell that comes out of the fish, I promise it tastes much better than it smells :)



Remove the fish from the oil and rest it on a kitchen paper towel until it has cooled. Now break the fish up and place it in a mortar and use a pestle to grind it up to a coarse powder. Set aside until needed.



Now add the pork fat to the hot oil in the wok and fry until it is golden brown.



Remove from the oil and set aside until needed.



Remove all but about 2 tbsp of oil from the wok and then add half the garlic



Add 1 tsp of sugar



Add 1 tbsp of soya sauce



Now add the tatsoi ad stir fry for a couple of minutes. Remove the tatsoi and place in a serving dish. I have prepared the tatsoi as a separate dish to go with the noodles as I was afraid that it would not cook properly if I cooked it in the noodle dish.



Add 2 tbsp of cooking oil to the wok



Add the remaining garlic



Add chicken stock



Add a couple of shakes of salt



Add the mushrooms



Add the pork meat



Add 1 tsp of sugar



Add black pepper



Add the prawns



Add the squid and stir everything together well



Add dark soya sauce



Add the noodles and mix well



Add 4 tbsp of the mushroom water



Add the ground fish



and finally add the fried pork fat cubes



Stir well and serve in deep plates. Add the tatsoi and eat with the noodles.





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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