150g Pork mince

200g Kueh Teow coarse noodles

1 pkt Towgay (bean sprouts)

3 Dried sole fried and pounded

1/3 cube Prawn stock

4 cloves Garlic finely chopped

4 Squid chopped

1 tsp Sugar

3cm Leek finely sliced

1/2 tbsp Chilli powder

1 1/2 tbsp Soya sauce

1 tsp Fish sauce

1/2 tbsp Vinegar

4 tbsp Cooking oil

Salt to taste




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Put 1 tbsp of cooking oil in a saucepan of water and boil the water. Add the noodles once the water starts to boil.



Once the noodles start to go floppy, remove from the water, discard the hot water and replace it with cold water.



Now briefly dip the noodles in the cold water and then drain, pus aside until needed.



Heat 3 tbsp of cooking oil in a fry pan and fry the dried fish on high heat until it turns golden brown and crispy.



Remove, allow to cool and then pound the fish. Pus aside until needed.



Remove all but about 1tbsp of oil



Reduce heat to medium and add garlic. Fry until fragrant.



Add stock cube and break it up



Add pork mince



Add salt



Add sugar



Add the leek and stir fry for a couple of minutes



Add the squid



Add soya sauce and stir through



Add fish sauce



Add the chilli powder



Add vinegar



Add the noodles and mix everything well



After a couple of minutes add the bean sprouts



Cook for about another minute then add the pounded dried fish and stir through. The dish is then ready to serve. If you have some pickled green chillies you can add these as a final garnish.




All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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