1/2 pkt Rice stick noodles

6 pc Squid pineapple cut (chop into smaller pieces)

6 Spring onion leaves

5 large Banana prawns cleaned  & halved

3 cloves Garlic finely chopped

150g Pork diced

1 Choy sum

1 cup Cabbage roughly chopped

2 Eggs beaten

4 tsp Soya sauce

2 tsp Corn flour

1/3 cup Water

1 tsp Sugar

1/4 Prawn stock cube

3 tsp Fish sauce

1/4 tsp White pepper

6 drops Sesame oil

2 tbsp Oyster sauce

Cooking oil

Salt to taste



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Rice stick noodles


When you have cleaned and halved your prawns sprinkle 1/2 tsp sugar on them and mix well. Leave to marinate (this is my usual process with prawns)



Mix 1 tsp soya sauce and 1 tsp corn flour with the pork meat and leave until needed



Heat a saucepan of water and when hot add the rice stick noodles



Allow the noodles to soften then drain and set aside



Put 5 tbsp of cooking oil into a wok on high heat



add the noodles



Add 1 tsp of fish sauce



add 1 tsp of soya sauce



Now sear the noodles until they start to brown a bit and then remove from the wok and place in a serving dish



Add 3 tbsp of cooking oil to the wok and put on medium heat



Add garlic and fry until fragrant



Add 1/4 prawn stock cube



Add the pork meat



Add a couple of shakes of salt



Add the squid



Add 2 tsp of soya sauce



Add sesame oil



Add oyster sauce



Add the choy sum



Add 1 tsp of corn flour in 1/3 cup water



Add 1/2 tsp of sugar and stir well



Add the beaten eggs



Add pepper



Add spring onion leaves



Cook for about 5 minutes and then spoon over the noodles.





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


Let's Eat Malaysian


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