200g Pork mince

6 Button mushrooms sliced

4 Radishes grated

2 small Carrots grated

1 Cucumber grated

3 serves Pork steak noodles

1 tbsp Pork lard

1/8 tsp White pepper

1 tsp Ginger minced

2 tsp Salted black soya beans

2 tsp Corn flour

200ml Water

1 tsp Hoisin sauce

1 tbsp Chinese black vinegar

2.5 tsp Sugar

3 tbsp Cooking oil

1 tsp Chicken stock

2 drops Sesame oil

Salt to taste



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Heat water in a saucepan



Soak the noodles (one serve at a time). Usually one dried portion per person is enough but add more if you are hungry.



When the noodles are soft put each serve in a separate bowl and put aside until needed



Put the corn flour in the water, stir and set aside until needed



Prepare all the other ingredients and set aside until needed



Heat a large fry pan on medium/high heat and add the cooking oil



Add the pork lard



Add ginger



Add garlic and fry until fragrant



Add the pork mince



Add chicken stock



Add salt



Add salt and stir briefly



Add mushrooms



Add black beans



Add the black vinegar and stir



Add the corn flour / water mix



Place the cucumber, carrot and radish on top of the noodles



Reduce heat to medium and add pepper



Add sesame oil



Spoon the meat over the noodles and serve





All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


Let's Eat Malaysian


Dorothy's Food Blog