10 Pieces Tofu Pok

200g Bean sprouts (towgay)

1/2 Kg Stir fry noodles

1 Onion chopped

50g Pork fat chopped

150g Pork mince

2 cloves Garlic finely chopped

2 Coriander sprigs chopped

1 tsp Chicken stock powder

1 tsp Caramel sauce (kekap manis)

1 tsp Fish sauce

1 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Crispy dried shrimp in chilli oil

shake of White pepper

Salt to taste

3 tbsp Cooking


Serves 4


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Chop the tofu pok squares into 3 pieces each



The noodles used are fresh flat kueh teow style



Separate the noodles and cut into smaller pieces






Put a wok on medium high heat and add the cooking oil



Add the pork fat and fry until crispy and brown



Remove the pork fat and set aside until needed



Add garlic and onion and fry until fragrant



Add chicken stock powder and mix well



Add pork mince



Add salt



Add sugar



Add the tofu pok



Add corriander



Add fish sauce



Add caramel sauce



Add bean sprouts



Return the pork fat to the wok



Add crispy dried shrimp and mix well



This is what the crispy dried shrimp bottle looks like



Add white pepper



Cook until the noodles start to brown just a little.




All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright ? 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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