
150g Pork mince

1 tsp Soya sauce

1/8 tsp Chinese 5 spice

1 tsp Corn flour

1/4 small Onion chopped finely

1 pinch MSG (optional)

3 drops Sesame oil

1/2 cup Cooking oil



125g Rice vermicelli noodles

1/4 cube Pork stock

3 Lettuce leaves

2 shakes White pepper

1 tsp Dried Garlic

4 cups Water

1/2 tsp Sugar

1 Pig's kidney cleaned and sliced about 1cm thick

2 tbsp Cooking oil

Salt to taste



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It is important to properly clean the kidneys before you start. First take out all the white veins and the dark areas around them and discard then soak the kidney in cold salt water (2 cups water 1/2 tsp of salt) for at least half an hour. The kidneys should always be bought fresh - never frozen.



Soak the rice noodles in hot water until they soften then drain and set aside until needed.





Mix the pork mince with all the other patties ingredients (except oil) in a bowl



Form the mixture into flat patties using you hands



Put the cooking oil into a non-stick pot or pan and heat on medium high



Fry until well cooked then drain and put aside until needed



Put 2 tbsp of cooking oil in a saucepan and heat on medium




Add the dried garlic



Add the stock cube



Add water



Add salt



Add sugar



Add the fried pork patties



Add lettuce



Add pepper



Add the kidney and be sure not to overcook it



Serve in deep soup bowls




All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


Let's Eat Malaysian


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