200g Rice vermicelli noodles

185g Canned tuna

125g Canned mackerel

400ml Coconut milk

2 pieces Lemon grass bruised

1 hand full Vietnamese mint

4 Red chillies

2 small Onions

2 cloves Garlic

10 pieces Tofu pok (fried tofu)

1/2 Prawn stock cube

1/8 tsp Galangal powder

1/2 tsp Turmeric powder

250g Towgay (bean sprouts)

2 tbsp Cooking oil

1 cup Water

2 slices Dried tamarind

1/8 tsp Belacn powder

1 tsp Sugar

1 Kaffir lime leaf shredded

6 Banana prawns

1 Lime cut into segments

Salt to taste



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Bruise the lemon grass by pounding it. Set aside until needed



Cut the tofu pok into smaller pieces



Blend the chillies, onion, garlic, galangal and turmeric together



Put a pot on medium heat. Add the cooking oil and then add the lemon grass



Add the blended mixture



Add the stock cube



Add the tamarind



Add tuna



Add salt



Add sugar



Add belacan



Rinse the blender with 1 cup of water and add



Cover and cook by bringing to the boil then lowering the heat and simmering until the tamarind slices soften (20 minutes approx).



add coconut milk



Add Vietnamese mint



add tofu



Add kaffir lime



Set the main pot aside



Boil a saucepan of water and then add the noodles. Cook until they start to soften then discard the first water and replace with clean water and bring to the boil again



Drain the noodles and set aside



Blanch the bean sprouts



Put the laksa back on to heat and add the prawns. Ensure prawns are cooked before serving. This will only take 3-4 minutes.



Divide the noodles into three deep bowls



Add the towgay (bean sprouts) to each bowl



Add mackerel to each bowl direct from the tin



Divide the solid parts of the dish between the bowls then add the liquid part of the dish.



Squeeze the fresh lime into the soup if you want more tang.




All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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