3.5 cups Water

500g Pumpkin flesh cubed

4 tbsp Sugar

50g Gula Malacca (palm sugar)

1/4 tsp Salt

5 ml Pandan essence

10 ml Vanilla essence

4 tbsp Sago

1 tin (400 ml) Coconut cream




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Boil 3 cups of water in a saucepan



Dissolve the gula malacca in about half a cup of boiling water and set aside



When the water is boiling put the pumpkin cubes in and cover. Leave to cook for about 10 minutes



Add 200 ml of coconut cream (half a tin)



Add the salt



Add the sugar and stir well



Add the sago



Reduce heat to medium and add the vanilla essence



Add the pandan essence and cook until the sago is soft



Serve in deep bowls. Add extra coconut milk and also drizzle in some of the gula Malacca if required.






All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright ? 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


Let's Eat Malaysian


Dorothy's Food Blog