12 Eggs

800g Castor sugar

1 tsp Pandan essence

15g Butter

50g Castor sugar (extra)

550ml Coconut cream


Makes enough to fill 3 x 500g jam jars


The trick with this recipe is not to rush things. You can't skip anything or make any step faster. Trying to rush will cause the kaya to become lumpy and will spoil it. I probably don't have to say this but this is not a health food recipe :)


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First you need to combine the eggs and 800g of sugar. The hard way is to put it all in a bowl and use a whisk to stir it (gently in one direction) for 30 minutes. The easy way is to use an ice cream maker, plonk the eggs and sugar inside and let the machine do the mixing. That is the only easy thing about making kaya.



While you are waiting for the 30 minutes to pass get a small saucepan and place 50g castor sugar and 15g of butter in it. Cook in low to medium heat until it turns into a dark caramel sauce. Then turn the heat off.



Get a large deep pot and put 3-4 cups of water inside. Get a wok that will sit on top and heat until the water is boiling. Them reduce the heat until the water continues to simmer only.



Now comes the tiring bit: Put the combined egg and sugar in the wok and stir (again in one direction only) for about 10 minutes or until the sugar is all dissolved. Now add in the coconut cream while continuing to stir slowly. Continue to stir for at least another 30 minutes (I told you this recipe wasn't easy) allowing the mixture to start to start to thicken.



If the caramel sauce has gone hard re-heat it and then slowly pour it in to the wok stirring constantly. To start off with it will look like the caramel is not mixing in well but continue to stir and soon it will dissolve into the main mixture turning it a darker brown. Add in the pndan essence and stir through.



Continue to cook and stir slowly until the kaya is getting thick enough to stick to the back of a spoon. Once it has thickened enough take it off the heat and spoon out into a large bowl to allow it to cool a bit. Once it is cooler you can spoon it into jars and then store it in the fridge. It should keep for up to a month.



Serve kaya on bread or toast.




All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright ? 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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