350g Pork rashers (3)

1 Star anise broken up

1 clove Garlic finely chopped

1/4 Onion finely chopped

1 1/2 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Soya sauce

1 tsp Caramel soya sauce

2 tbsp Shao xing wine

3 tbsp Cooking oil

2 pinches MSG (optional)

1/2 cup Water

Salt to taste



3 tbsp Soya sauce

1/2 tbsp Sugar

1/8 tsp Sesame oil

1 tsp Shao xing wine

1/2 tsp Caramel soya sauce


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Put the pork rashers into a small bowl and add the marinade ingredients. Mix well and leave to marinate for at least 3 hours.



Heat a fry pan and add the cooking oil



Add the pork rashers



cook on medium high heat until the rashers are nice and brown



Remove the rashers and put aside until needed



Put the oil from the fry pan into a sauce pan



Add the star anise and garlic, fry until fragrant



Add the onion



Add soya sauce



Add the Shao xing wine



Add the water



Add caramel soya sauce



Add the sugar



Add salt and mix well



Put the cooked pork rashers into the saucepan



Add the MSG (optional)



Cover and cook on low heat for about 30 minutes



Serve on rice with your choice of vegetable dish.






All the recipes on this disc/website are original and copyright © 2010 Dorothy P.C. Loader.


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