The Folklore of Western Australia


Day by day there's less of me
than on the day before
I'm not quite what I used to be
I'm fading more and more

And one day soon there'll come a time
when I don't know your name
This journey is an uphill climb
but there's no one to blame

So when I'm here but somehow gone
I hope you'll hold my hand
and in your heart you'll dwell upon
the times that were so grand

Look back at all the fun we had
those times that made us high
Don't let me leaving make you sad
Don't let it make you cry

For when I'm lost behind my eyes
and I look but I can't see
Think back when there were clearer skies
when I was still just me

Use our love to keep you strong
Just hold me close and sigh
I'm by your side where I belong
I'll love you 'till I die

About what seems to be my early onset dementia.
(c) March 2016

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Hotham Valley Railway, Western Australia
Hotham Valley Railway, Western Australia


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