The Folklore of Western Australia


Oh my god I’m sixty,
plus a year or two
How did I get to be this old?
I don’t know what to do

My hair and beard are going white
at least I’ve not gone bald
My brain is slowing day by day
Sometimes I think it’s stalled

There was a time I laughed aloud
at silly old folks ways
But here I am, I’m one of them
I’m ticking off the days

Age just snuck up, it isn’t fair
I wasn’t ready yet
There’s aches and pains all over now
that make me moan and fret

The noise I make each time I rise
is awful to behold
I’ve aged just like a fine old wine?
at least that’s what I’m told

More like old cheese, is what I think
with lots of crust and mould
I find it hard to see in life
the ‘joys’ of getting old

I’m grumpy and I whinge a lot
about the world at large
I’m like a worn out battery
that’s lost most of its charge

And now I see the truth of things
It’s really rather sad
For now that I am grey and old
I’ve turned in to my Dad


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Me getting old...
Me getting old...


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