The Folklore of Western Australia


What the hell is wrong with you ?
You can’t see wrong from right
The facts are there as plain as day
There’s black and then there’s white

There’s evil men behind the scenes
Who whisper in your ear
They’ll take away the very soul
Of all that you hold dear

They set us all against ourselves
So they can loot the till
They’ve done it all through history
And yes, they do it still

There is no right, there is no left
It’s all a shabby lie
The bastards all get filthy rich
While good men just stand by

They foster war across the world
And finance every side
And so the gap ‘tween rich and poor
Continues to grow wide

They take and take and never stop
Too much is not enough
They have no care for you and I
they just don’t give a stuff

And while we fight among ourselves
They rub their hands with glee
They rob us blind at every turn
Are we too dumb to see?

Distracted, crazed, in fear of debt
We help fulfil their plans
It seems we just cannot escape
Their greedy grasping hands

Don’t listen to the paper’s lies
The TV’s twisted tales
The men who try to tell the truth
Are winding up in jails

Their grip is tightened every day
In ways you cannot see
Until at last they have control
And we’re no longer free

So if we don’t wake up in time
And stop them in their tracks
We’ll end up slaves and fear
Their lash upon our backs

Don’t tell me this is in my mind
It’s happened once before
Wake up too late and you will find
The fascists at your door!

(c) July 2018

I dedicate this ballad to the truth tellers. Those who stand up when they could stay safe and silent. Men like Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and David McBride. In a world full of lies, they are the heroes of our time.

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Rockingham, Western Australia
West MacDonnell Ranges, Northern territory


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An original collection of poems about life in Australia.
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