The Folklore of Western Australia


Rest in peace my beloved Australia
the land that you were once is dead
The good things you stood for have vanished
All your dreams have been knocked on the head

We're now just a nation divided
by lies and deceit and by greed
Big business has taken us over
They've cut us and left us to bleed

We once were a nation of honour
with hearts that were big as the sky
But now we are cold and mean hearted
and our mateship has withered and died

Our leaders are nothing but traitors
Whose lust is for power and gold
They've sold us all out to their masters
and like fools we believe what we're told

Rest in peace my beloved Australia
as we fade out and wither away
All the colours that once shone so brightly
are now all just turning to grey.

Rest in peace my beloved big country
your heart will just wither and die
All the good things you stood for have ended
for we stupidly waved them goodbye

(c) 2021 Written in Rockingham, Western Australia

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Rockingham, Western Australia
Rockingham, Western Australia


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