The Folklore of Western Australia


In the wee hours of the morning
when sleep will just not come
Does your mind begin to wonder
over all the things you've done?

Do you think way back to high school
when life was still so new
and all the plans and dreams you had
were still in front of you?

Do you feel the pangs of puppy love
for the girl that stole your heart
and when it came to nothing
how your world just fell apart?

Do you wonder how you got to now
and why some friends are gone?
Why was it that their time was up
While you went on and on?

Do you feel there in the stillness
all the weight of passing years?
and in the dark you learn to count
the sum of all your fears

Do you like the person you've become
and just what do you lack?
Do you feel the disappointment
when your mind starts looking back?

I lie and wish that sleep would come
to take away the pain
I think of chances wasted
that will never come again

I see the boy become the man
I watch his dreams go by
I see him give up any hope
as one by one they die

I see the man grow bent and old
I see him slip away
I see him learn the heavy price
that life has made him pay

(c) May 2021

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Emily Gap, Northern Territory
Emily Gap, Northern Territory


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