The Folklore of Western Australia


Do you remember when a workman
Used to ply his trade with care?
Do you remember when good service
Counted more than selling shares?

Do you remember back when products
Would all stand the test of time?
Back when pre-planned obsolescence
Would be treated like a crime

Do you remember back before the time
When daily prices soared?
Before the great monopolies
Had massed their obscene hoard

And can you still remember now
Before the bulging sacks
Of Governments addicted to
An overload of tax?

And is it even possible
That things were much more sane?
Be glad at least you saw good times
We’ll never see again

For life is now just lies and greed
Compassion rules no more
We face a world where money rules
And business is a whore

(c) May 2008 Written at Cleaverville, Western Australia

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Euaclyptus erythrocorys
Euaclyptus erythrocorys


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