The Folklore of Western Australia


All the Anzacs have faded back into the past
And the old men now rest with their mates
We can hope they play 2 up and still have a beer
Now they’ve entered the heavenly gates

We have cause to remember the men who died young
How they fought to ensure we live free
How they looked back at home for the very last time
As their ships pulled away from the quay

They went for adventure, for country and King
And Australia still mourns for their loss
They died in the trenches and on the barbed wire
So far from the great Southern Cross

They couldn’t have known as they sailed far from home
Just how cruel would be some of their fates
But they lived for Australia, a land of their own
And they died for the sake of their mates

And each life extinguished still burned like a flame
In the hearts of their loved ones at home
And their memory lives on in the pride of the nation
In respect for the flag that they’d flown

Their young eyes look out from the passage of years
From the old pictures, tattered and torn
And their nation looks back to the past and remembers
How the legend of ANZAC was born

(c) May 2008 Written at Cleaverville, Western Australia

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War memorial, Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia
War memorial, Kings Park, Perth, Western Australia


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