The Folklore of Western Australia


When I sit in quiet places
where the wind drifts through the trees
and I seek peaceful surrender
There's a tune upon the breeze

It comes as bushland dreaming
with its melody and charm
and it brings a sense of wonder
and it brings me complete calm

It's the spirit of the south land
and it speaks of all she knows
It's her mountains and her deserts
and it's all that lives and grows

I'm in touch with all the beauty
as I gaze at southern skies
and I feel the music move me
like the first sea-shore sunrise

The gentle kiss of summer rain
that falls upon my skin
uncharted unknown wilderness
a lovesong born within

It's dreams and it's discoveries
Rainforest magic world
The spirit that is Uluru
the music helps unfurl

From hidden forests in the south
Windjana in the north
the music Tony gave to us
brings pure emotion forth

The sun has not long left the sky
Behold the mirror moon
and though a life has come and gone
forever lives the tune

Dedicated to Tony O'Connor and the beautiful music he left behind.
(c) 2011

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Waychinicup, Western Australia
Waychinicup, Western Australia


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