The Folklore of Western Australia


I’d like to thank those thoughtful souls
Who walk around the shops
Who share with me their gracious gifts
Of flu, sore throats and coughs

It’s just too hard to stay at home
All warm and safe in bed
It’s much more fun to go outside
And spread the flu instead

They say ‘I must get back to work’
‘although I’m feeling blue’
‘My work mates surely won’t complain’
‘if I give them the flu’

and all the ads say ‘soldier on’
they should say ‘STAY INSIDE!’
‘Do not go out and spread disease’
‘to people far and wide’

and so instead of one off sick
the flu just does the rounds
and all because of thoughtless twits
it spreads in leaps and bounds

So next time when you start to cough
Your throat is sore and red
Please do us all a favour and
Just stay at home in bed!

(c) July 2007 Written at Cleaverville, Western Australia

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Royal Flying Doctor, Alice Springs, Northern Territory
Royal Flying Doctor, Alice Springs, Northern Territory


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