Whitby Falls

GPS 32 17 26 S 116 00 47 E




Toilets available Wheel chair access provided Tables and / or seats and / or shelters provided Water available Sight seeing area Walk trails Phone access nearby Site may flood or be inaccessible during rain Authorised parking facilities Day use site only - no camping




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Whitby Falls Walk is located east of the South Western Highway near Mundijong.

The walk trail begins at a car park just opposite Keirnan Street and continues to a loop where you will find seats, tables and shelters.

Unfortunately the trail does not go up to the falls which you can only see in the distance from the beginning of the trail.

The trail is an easy 1.3 kilometre walk but after heavy rains during winter, the surface of the track can become contaminated with algae and may be very slippery. Care needs to be taken if walking during this time.

There is a good car park and toilet facilities available at the start of the track and the tables and seats will be found at the small loop section at the end.

During winter and early spring the falls are usually active and a stream cascades down the Darling Scarp and runs alongside the walk trail in sections.

The walk trail was opened in 2015 but is an example of poor planning and a waste of money.

The bad drainage, lack of access to the falls and the locking up of almost the entire Whitby Falls Farm for use as a research and teaching facility for veterinary science ensures that there is no public access to the hitorically important Whitby Asylum buildings.

This historically important site has just been locked away from the public when it could have been an important recreation reserve and a museum accessible to all.

The farm dates from 1848 and the government purchased the site in 1897. The asylum that was constructed operated in one form or another until 2006.

Three million dollars of taxpayer's money was put into the site and when Murdoch University signed a 42 year lease in 2013, the public lost all access to the historically important areas of the farm.

The walk trail seems to have been constructed as some sort of compensation for the loss of the rest of the farm but as already mentioned, it was plainly a waste of money.

The walk and the facilities in the loop section are poorly maintained and all but useless to most people.

A sign on the front gate of the farm boldly states; PRIVATE PROPERTY KEEP OUT. Yes, private property paid for with OUR MONEY...


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