Number of videos added to this section so far : 696
Our video collection on YouTube continues to grow and although there are some links to videos from this site, there is no easy way to find older content.
So in order to try and make the videos easier to find, we have created this page. You will find videos sorted into groups under a topic heading.
Simply click on any video title that interests you to bring up the video clip.
You can really help us to create more videos by watching any advertising that appears on our videos. It is the only way we can raise money
and keep doing what we do.
Every cent we get goes back in to our website and our YouTube channel.
PLEASE NOTE: This page is currently in development we are still adding videos and it will take some time before they are all done. Please let us know what
you think of this page and if there is any way we can improve it. There will be more videos here every few days so drop back to check out what is new.
The videos are not necessarily in alphabetical order so check all the way to the end of a section if you are looking for something specific.
Whay are some places featured more than once? Well we film over many years and original videos my have something missing or they may be
rather awful and need re-making, so we often re-edit and add new footage or just make a completely new video. With a few places,
such as Augusta, we feature them so many time because we like them so much.
If you have a problem playing our embedded videos on our website or on our Patreon page, it turns out that Firefox is blocking
some tracking that is needed for embedded videos to play via YouTube. The way to fix this is to click on the small shield icon
to the left of the URL near the top of the screen and to turn enhanced tracking protection off by clicking the little slider
button on the left hand side.
The screen will then reload and you will be able to play the video.
You can reverse the process after you have watched the video to turn tracking protection back on if you want to.
It helps us if you also subscribe to our YouTube channel.
We also have some of our very old analogue videos available. They can't compare to the high tech new ones that we make today
but we have some of them on the following pages which may be of interest to some epople. Because we are hosting these on our own website, they may be
a bit slow to load.
Old Videos Page 1
Old Videos Page 2