Hoffmans Mill - Western Australia


GPS 33 00 20.5 S 116 05 07.2 E




Entry fee and / or camping fee charged Toilets available Wheel chair access provided Tables and / or seats and / or shelters provided Fire places or BBQs available Pets prohibited Water available Tent camping sites Caravan access possible Big rig access possible Walk trails Ranger or caretaker on site or visits




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Hoffman's Mill is now a tranquil bush setting in the hills north east of Harvey.

The site now known as Hoffman's Mill was originally called New Hoffman. It was a small timber town of up to 150 people, that was relocated from a site 12 km north when a fire destroyed the old town in 1919. There were about 35 houses and the town was serviced by a general store, post office, a sweet (lolly) shop, billiard hall, betting shop, community hall and a one room school house. There was a cricket pitch and even some tennis courts. A makeshift pool was created in the Harvey River for the worker's children.

The mill was at its peak before the Great Depression and operated until the end of 1961. The old buildings were removed and little now remains to show what was once there.

Now this site is open for camping from November to April. Fees apply for camping and a ranger attends regularly.

Access is via the road to Logue Brook Dam (past the caravan park) and on to Clarke Road. Past the caravan park the road is unsealed gravel that is usually in good condition.

Today there is virtually nothing left of the old town. Like most timber mills, the buildings were all made of wood and those that were not removed to other sites simply rotted away to nothing.

The campsite is a large free-form area and thankfully has not been taken over by thousands of wooden posts that have now hemmed in most other bush campsites.

There are flushing toilets in the main camping area and pit toilets in the tenting area. Washing water is available from taps scattered around the campsite. Fees (at the time of writing this) are $7.50 per person per night or $5.50 concession. Generators are permitted between specified hours.

There is a lot of shade - which means those with solar panels need to park in the larger open areas or use the generator to re-chage batteries. Most of the site is sloping but there are one or two level spots.

Tables and seats are located all over the place and there is a small stream (that becomes the Harvey River) running through the area.

There are also a couple of walk trails. The Bridges trail is 3 km return and the Formation Trail is just 650 metres and follows the old railway route.


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