The Folklore of Western Australia

Booty laden Boot -

Paddy, not I hasten to mention the well known Paddy Hannan, but another of his name, worked in one of the many mines at Kalgoorlie.

The gold detectives has long suspected him of stealing gold from the mine but had never been able to prove it.

One day they decided to raid his home while he was at work and go though everything to find the gold they were sure he had stolen.

His wife Mary had to endure the detectives going thorough all her personal possessions, through all the cupboards and boxes and part way through this search Paddy arrived home from work.

Putting his feet up on the table, Paddy said to the detectives, “Hey boys, how about helping me take my boots off while you are at it?”

They swore at him and kept searching. Paddy was obviously enjoying the show and eventually when the detectives grew tired of not finding anything and left, slamming the door behind them, Mary said to Paddy, “Why did you provoke them so?” Paddy just smiled as he took his feet off the table and unlaced his boots, and then said, “Where do you think I hid the gold?”

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Boot booty
Boot booty


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