The Folklore of Western Australia


Also from the book Strike Me Lucky!

“Dick decided to camp with us that night and after performing his usual nighttime ritual of erecting his tent, he walked over to me to observe my damper making process. He was very interested to know why I mixed sultanas into my dampers. Now, I have always been one who answers a silly question, with a silly answer. I told Dick that considering the huge number of flies about, it is logical that many will find their way into the mixture and be impossible to remove. So to alleviate this problem, I add a handful of sultanas and raisins to the damper mix, so when cooked, one cannot distinguish the difference between raisins and flies. Dick looked me up and down and walked away, head and eyes downcast and slowly shaking his head in disbelief at what he’d just heard. ‘Strike me lucky!’ - Dick had a lot to learn about Australian humour, especially in the bush. The golden rule – Don’t believe anything you hear, anything you read and only half of what you see.”

Next morning we broke camp about 7am after breakfast, at which I observed with a note of humour , that Dick did not participate in the sharing and consumption of my raisin loaded damper.”

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Dodgy damper


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