The Folklore of Western Australia


The following is quoted from the book Strike Me Lucky! By Dave Hadson. (c) 2000

“At about 10am, the convoy came to a stop. The drivers of the vehicles behind me, and I, got out of our trucks and walked forward to see what the reason was for us to stop. We found a bloke who was camping beside the track and was living in an old battered tent. His camp was very primitive indeed, with no tables or chairs, and his swag lay unrolled on the bare ground. He was a dingo trapper or, “dogger” as they are called and at the time of our arrival, he had been in the process of mixing a damper in a plastic bucket, using the tailgate of his old ex-army Land Rover as his table. He had obviously just finished skinning some dead dingoes as his hands were still covered in blood and dog’s hairs, all being mixed up together in his damper.

We exchanged small conversation with him, explaining to him our survey work and our desire to reach Port Hedland that afternoon. We left him with a lot of our unopened flour, rice sugar and tea. Someone gave him a packet of tobacco and Noel scrounged around the trucks and came up with a couple of dozen cans of beer for him. The dogger invited us to stay for lunch with him, and share his fresh made damper but we all graciously declined.”

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Dodgy damper


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