The Folklore of Western Australia


Many years ago a stockman was looking after an out camp when he fell ill. All he had for company was a young aborigine and his droving dogs.

He desperately needed some meat for his dogs but was too sick to go out and shoot a roo but his offsider wasn't familiar with the use of the old muzzle loading rifle he had.

In the end he had no choice but to instruct his young helper in the use of the weapon and leave him to go out and bag a kangaroo.

The instructions were fairly simple, put in a little powder, a little bit of rang and a little bit of shot then tap it down with the rod. He repeated the instructions a couple of times to be sure and handed over the weapon.

Several hours later the young aborigine came back looking rather shocked and carrying a rifle that was in pieces.

“What happened?” said the stockman. His offsider replied; “I put in a little bit gunpowder, little bit rag, little bit shot, tap down, little bit powder, little bit rag, little bit shot, tap down. Fill 'em up the gun then shoot at kangaroo...”

From North of the 26th Vol 2. Access Press. 1994.

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Kangaroo hunt


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