The Folklore of Western Australia


This one isn't exactly folklore but a reminder of how some things once were. It comes from a letter written by a young man in the Koorda area and was fond in the book 'Koorda - A district emerges' by H. Antonio-Crake.

"The Lewises have a nice place. Their four-roomed house is made of canvas and there is a carpet in one of the rooms, covering the beaten anthill floor. The other floors are "carpeted" with bags which have been sewn together."... ..."You asked about the mail, Mother. Well, we don't have any regular service yet but I hear there's to be one soon. Everyone has a mail box though, and anyone planning a trip to Dowerin spreads the word around, if possible. Those who want letters posted leave them stamped, or with money, in their boxes for the traveller to pick up en route... ...No-one ever passes a mail box up here without looking in it and attending to any mail or messages."

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Posting a letter


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