The Folklore of Western Australia


World War 1 saw the end of an era in Broome. Just prior to the war pearl shell had been at an all time high of 440 pounds per tonne. With the declaration of war all contracts were cancelled and pearl shell became worthless over night.

Many of the younger pearlers decided to sign up with the army and before they all headed south there was a celebration at the local hotel run by Bill Ward.

Accounts at the pub were usually settled at the end of each month and meanwhile patrons signed chits. These chits like the pearl shell were now all worthless.

At the farewell party Bill Ward put the box of chits under his arm, jumped up on a table and called for silence.

'Boys, the party's on me. The town's broke and I'm broke. I'll be with you as soon as I've been through the chaff-cutter (bankruptcy court). I haven't lost a tenner on chits all the years I've been in the pub, but ' (he held up the box of chits) 'I've got over a thousand quids worth here and now they're not worth the paper they're written on.'

So saying he emptied the box onto a metal tray and set fire to the lot.

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Pearling lugger


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