The Folklore of Western Australia


Early Broome was known as a wild and untamed town in the pearling days. The way things were done in this small isolated community were quite different to the towns 'down south'.

Former Broome pearler, H.V. Howe wrote :

'Once – and only once each night – the policeman on beat went around the gaming houses. Each player put a shilling in the hat for him and the proprietors invited him, free of charge, to 'mark a ticket' in the house lottery, which with luck might earn him 5 to 40 pounds at the end of the week. It was an unpardonable breach of etiquette to call twice at the same house on any one night and any constable who did so received a severe reprimand from the Sergeant of police who – with due ceremony on the first of each month – received a deputation of Asiatic citizens at the police station bearing tribute in recognition of his services.'

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Police corruption


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