The Folklore of Western Australia


The tradition began on the 28th of May 1981 when mates of truckie Tom Sheehan decided to forcibly trim the sleeves of his rather ragged shirt. Somehow this one prank evolved into a way to raise money for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

You could become a member by cutting off a sleeve and pinning it to the roof.

For the privilege of destroying your item of clothing and to join the 'club' you paid a $10 fee. If you also cut off your other sleeve, you got an $8 discount.

By 1986 over $2000 had been collected for the R.F.D.S. and the roof was decorated with over 800 sleeves of varying types.

How long this tradition went on for remains a mystery. One thing is for sure, it couldn't happen today with all the health and safety regulations we have...

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Sleeveless shirt club


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