The Folklore of Western Australia


Abdul Kahn was a cameleer who worked in the Gascoyne region. Over a long period of time he built p a good business carting goods across the lonely interior of Western Australia. His team of 100 camels were fine beasts but finally Abdul grew weary of living a single life and he dared to think about finding a wife and a European one no less!

A station manager gave Abdul assistance placing an advertisement in a Perth newspaper, seeking a pretty, well-developed young woman who could cook. A photo was also required. Abdul received 279 photos and slowly he whittled them down to one choice, Lily.

Abdul sent her one hundred pounds to cover the cost of her wedding dress and her fare up to Carnarvon. He did not have to wait long before he received a telegram informing him that his bride-to-be was involved in an accident on a tram and that her treatment was going to be expensive.

Abdul duly sent another hundred pounds and waited.

In time Lily recovered but then there was another tragedy. The boarding house she was staying in burned down and with it all her clothes and the fare she needed to get to Carnarvon. Abdul sent yet more money and again Lily found herself in trouble. She was rushing to the train on her way to Fremantle to catch a ship to Carnarvon and the taxi she was in was in an accident. She even sent a news clipping showing a picture of a woman on a stretcher that she said was her.

Again she was in the hands of those greedy doctors and needed more money.

Abdul ground his remaining teeth in frustration but again he sent his hard earned money south.

Next it was Lily's brother who had taken her money, saying no sister of his would wed a coloured man no matter who well placed he was. Her brother had even promised that he would return and cut her throat! If only she had the money to get to her beloved Abdul and find protection in his arms.

Again Abdul sent money down to Perth and again after a time he received a message that Lily was once again in trouble and had fallen among thieves but not to worry this time there was to be no stopping her.

Abdul waited, and waited but Lily never arrived. In all the had be duped out of six hundred pounds.

Scams, it seems are nothing new in this world....

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