The Folklore of Western Australia


It's taken me two years old friend
to sit and write to you
I've sat and tried a dozen times
but couldn't see it through

And even now it breaks my heart
to think of our goodbye
Puppy dogs have such short lives
but still I have to try

To thank you for the love you gave
through every passing day
To see your happy wagging tail
would chase my cares away

There's no one now to lick my hand
or push me with his nose
No scruffy hairy laughing face
to chase away my woes

For fifteen years you blessed our lives
and now that you are gone
I've many happy memories
that I look back upon

I hope your spirit's resting
in fields of long green grass
and I hope I find you waiting
when my time comes to pass

(c) Feb 2000 Written in Townsville, Qld.
More than 20 years later, losing Sam still breaks my heart.

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