The Folklore of Western Australia


(An ode to Denham)

It hadn't rained in fifty years
or so the story goes
Thirsts were big and droughts were long
out where the east wind blows

Skies were blue from year to year
with not a drop of rain
and if a cloud should hide the sun
'twould soon be out again

And so we rumbled in to town
expecting naught but sun
'Oh never mind' the locals said
'The rain has just begun.'

'The sun will soon be out' they said
'It doesn't rain much here'
'It won't be long before the sky
is blue and crystal clear'

We waited and we waited
while rain came tumbling down
It rained, it poured, it drizzled
until we thought we'd drown

The waters started rising
in rivers far and near
'But never mind' the locals said
'It doesn't rain much here'

A torrent fell from heaven
all night and then all day
and pretty soon we thought that we
would all get washed away

'Oh never mind' the locals said
'it doesn't rain much here'
but buildings all around us
began to disappear

The rain just kept on falling
'till we could scarcely hear
the locals from the roof tops say
'It doesn't rain much here.'

(c) September 1999 Written in Townsville, Qld.

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