On Line Resources (Internet)
The internet is somewhat transient. Websites come and go, pages get deleted, moved, renamed and as a result some
amazing information is lost forever or becomes temporarily inaccessible. We don't have the time or resources
to keep checking every site we link to so some links below may be out of date. They were all correct as of October 3rd 2021.
This website too will one day be lost unless some way can be found to keep it going when I am no longer here.
Gateway to Regional Western Australia
10th Light Horse Regiment
Albany Historical Society
Australian Dictionary of Biography
Australian Explorers
Busselton Family History Society
Caravanning News
Carnamah Historical Society
(covers info on Moora, Mingenew, Perenjori and Coorow)
Celebrate W.A.
Convicts to Australia
Dead Person's Society
Explorers Journals
Flags of the world | Western Australia
Geoscience Australia
Heritage Perth
J. S. Battye Library of West Australian History
Kalamunda Historical Society
Margaret River Wine
Outback Family History Society
Photographs of Perth and the South West
National Pioneer Women's Hall of Fame
State Records Office of Western Australia
The Constitutional Centre of Western Australia
The Thylacine Museum
Western Australian Genealogical Society Inc.
Western Australian Museum
Western Australian Museum - Maritime
Wildflower Society of WA
If you would like to link back to us from your web site here are some logos you can use if you
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This is not a traditional bibliography as not all the books listed here were used as reference for this guide. This is simply a list of some of the books that I
have read in order to put the information in this guide into a (hopefully) coherent order. All books are available at various
public libraries through out Western Australia. Not all are available for loan as some are reference books only.
Books marked with * have been particularly interesting. There is also a helpful list of online resources for those with access to the
Many of the books listed below were published in Western Australia by Hesperian Press. Please visit their
website for current publications.
Our special thanks to the Library and Information Service of Western Australia (LISWA)
without which this work would not have been possible.
Social history
100 Years of Collie Coal C. Stedman.
A brief history of Western Australia. A.J. Koutsoukis.
A centenary of Federation Edition of the Popanyinning Reunion 2001. Progress Association.
A changing people. R. Wilding. F. Tilbury.
A Colony Detailed. The first census of Western Australia 1832. I. Berryman.
A Concise History of Western Australia. R.E. Davis.
A continuation of A Voyage to New Holland. W. Dampier
A drop in the bucket. M. Morgan
A faithful picture. The letters of Eliza and Thomas Brown. P. Cowan. (Editor). A fortunate life. A.B. Facey. *
A guide to sources for the history of South Western Australia. R. Richards.
A heritage ingrained. C. Ayris.
A History of Dalwalinu. H.A. Crake.
A History of Dumbleyung. T. Klemm.
A history of the Narembeen district. I. Bristow.
A lifetime in the bush. The biography of Len Beadell. M. Shephard. *
A Line on Kalamunda. J. Harper-Nelson.
A Little History of the Australian Labor Party. N. Dyrenfurth & F. Bongiorno.
A Look at Jurien 1658-1996. Jurien Heritage Committee.
A man who matched a mountain. H.H. Cunningham.
A new history of Western Australia. C.T. Stannage.
A Place of Consequence. A Pictorial History of Fremantle. R. Reece. R. Pascoe.
A place to meet. M. Bignell. A portrait of progress.
A rich and diverse heritage J. Bird.
A short history of the Cowaramup district. P.E.M. Blond.
A story of a hundred years. H. Colebatch.
A time to keep. R. Horgan.
A Town is Born. The Fitzroy Crossing story. S. Hawke.
A tribute to the group settlers. P.E.M. Blond.
A varied and versatile life. The memoirs of F. Wittenoom. R.F.B. Lefroy.
A Voyage to New Holland. W. Dampier
A Western Saga. J. Ridley.
A Westralian gold rush. T. O'Brien.
Across Perth Water. J. Gothard.
Across the lake 1911 ' 1992. J. Brid.
Adventure in iron.
Albany A Panorama of the Sound from 1827. D. S. Garden.
Albany first. Albany Town Council.
Albany Port with a past and a future. D. Hancock.
Albany. Who and What. L. Johnson.
All and about Dunsborough. C. Guinness.
All Stations West. G.H. Fearnside.
Alluring Albany. Town of Albany publication.
Along the Ashburton. R. McDonald.
Along the Canning. F.G. Carden.
Alverstoke. E. K. Clifton.
Ambition's Fire.
An all consuming passion. W.J. Lines.
An island unto itself. L.R. Marchant.
Ancestors. Chinese in colonial Australia. J. Ryan.
Ancient mountains and desert sands. D. Wagland.
And some found Graves. A.J. Thompson.
And the dingos howled. Southern Scribes.
Araluen to Zanthus. I. Murray and B. Goodchild.
Around the Rock. O Joukovsky-Vaisvila.
At the beginning. King Bay. Dampier.
Australia an illustrated history. A.K. Macdougall.
Australia as it is today 1906. L. Zunini.
Australia twice traversed. E. Giles.
Australia: Moments in history. V. Swain.
Australia's pioneers, heroes and fools. P. Macinnis.
Australia since 1606. G. V. Portus.
Australia's western third. F. K. Crowley. Australian Navigators. R. Tiley.
Australian Aboriginal Words. R. Ingamells.
Australian Quiz Book.
Australia's War 1914-18. J. Beaumont.
Back to the goldfields. A.N. Bingley.
Ballidu Heritage Handed Down. P. Toster N. Hood.
Batavia. P. Fitzsimons.
Beaches, Bush and Riverbanks. T. Hille.
Becoming Boddington. J. Ferrell.
Beaneath Busselton Jetty. A. Storrie, S. Morrison, P. Morrison.
Between devotion and design. J.J. Taylor.
Between Wodjil and Tor. B. York Main.
Beyond Boundary Fences. G.J.C. McDonald.
Beyond the fence. J. Timperley.
Beyond the flame. G. Atherton. R. Wilkington. #
Beyond the lattice. S. Sickert.
Big John Forrest. 1847 - 1918. F. Crowley.
Big Timber Country. M. Calder.
Bitter victory. W. Olson.
Blue MurderB. Hills
Blue peaks and red ridges. P. Muir.
Broome. R. Garwood and D. Stuart.
Broome time. A. Coombs S. Varga.
Broome's One Day War. M.W. Prime.
Broomehill Historical Society. Early Memories Vol1.1 1979.
Bulls and boabs. A. Thomas.
Bush Tucker Man. L. Hiddins.
Busselton: outstation on the Vasse. R. Jennings.
But moments past. L. Burridge.
C.Y. O'Connor his life and legacy. A.G. Evans. *
Calamunda - A home in the Forest. Shire of Kalamunda.
Camels and the outback. H.M. Barker.
Canna. Morawa Historical Society.
Carnarvon and Apollo. P. Dench, A. Gregg.
Carnarvon, reflections of a country town. M. Findlay.
Carpet of Silver. P. Playford.
Carridena : A history of the Three Springs Shire area. H.A. Crake.
Castle Dangerous. G. Hardwick.
Catalpa 1876. J. Watson.
Cattle Chosen. E.O.G. Shann.
Celebrations in Western Australian history. L. Layman and T. Stannage.
Centenary of Nyabing J. Addis & A. Cooper
Chapman Valley pioneers. P.A. McDonnell.
Charles CourtR. Jamieson
Charles Edward Broadhurst. M. McCarthy.
Child of the Outback. L. Christina.
Christmas Island Explorers Guide.
City of Light. J. Gregory.
City of Light. S. Yarrow.
Cockburn. The making of a community. M. Berson.
Colourful tales of the Western Australian goldfields. N. King.
Comradeship, Stories of friendship and recreation in wartime. K. Cusack.
Conflict south of Mullewa. A.J. Keeffe.
Convict Fremantle. M. Bosworth.
Cooking and Looking in Fremantle. R. Sinclair.
Cossack Gold. N. L. Lambden Owen. *
Cossack, Land of the silver sea. B. Hoey.
Cossack. An annotated bibliography. M. Hamilton.
Country Cavalcade. A history of the shire of Tambellup. J. Parnell.
Cowaramup's second wave of settlers. V. Clews.
Crocodile Attack in Australia. Hugh Edwards. *
Crossroads, a journey through the Upper Gascoyne. B. Milne.
Cunderdin : Meckering A wheatlands story. J. P. Stokes.
Daisy Bates, keeper of totems. A. Bartlett. Dandarragan.
Dark deeds in a sunny land. J.B. Gribble.
Date It. A.H. Chate.
Daughters of Midas. N. King.
Dead Man's Silver. H. Edwards.
Decision, Stories of leadership in the services. J. Cole-Adams, J Gauld.
Denmark an outline history. I. Conochie.
Diary and Letters of Sir C.H. Fremantle. Lord Cottesloe (Ed.)
Diary of ten years of an early settler in Western Australia. G.F. Moore.
Discovery of Australia by de Quiros in the Year 1606. P.F. Moran.
Dollypot. P.J. Bridge.
Down Under. Bill Bryson.
Draksbrook days and Waroona years. L. Snell.
Drawn to Mt. Magnet. L. Day K. Morrissey.
Dryandra. V. Serventy.
Dumbleyung and districts. Short stories.
Dune is a four letter word. G. Sprigg.
Dust over the Pilbara. M. Bickerton. *
Dust, dung and diesel. J. Laurie. *
Dutch discoveries of Australia. J.P. Sigmond. L.H. Zuiderbaan.
Dynamics in Government. J. Read.
E.T. Hooley Pioneer bushman. E.I. Sharp.
Eager for Labour. V. Fitch.
Early Australian Voyages. J. Pinkerton.
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol I parts 1 - 10
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol I parts 11 - 20
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol II parts 11 - 20
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol III
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol IV parts 1,4,6
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol V parts 1 - 8
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol VI parts 1 - 8
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol VII parts 1 and 5
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol VIII parts 1 and 2
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol IX.
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol X.
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol XI part 5.
Early days. Journals and proceedings of the W.A. historical Society. Vol XII parts 3, 4 and 5.
Early Swan River Colony. M. E. Calder.
Early voyages to Terra Australis, now called Australia. R.H. Major.
East and west Dorakin. Toolibin Schools.
Eastward Ho to Mullewa and the Murchison. B. Keeffe.
Eastward to the Avon. R.A. Gilbert.
Edge of Empire. M and A Webb.
Enduring struggle. St. Marys Tardun farm school. D.H. Plowman.
Esperance yesterday and today. J. Rintoul.
Every life a picture. V. Harris.
Every name tells a story. S. Yarrow. L. Batchelor.
Excellent Connections. Bunbury 1836-1990. A. Barker & M. Laurie.
Expeditions in Western Australia 1837-1839 Vol I and II. George Grey.
Explorations in Australia. J. Forrest.
Explore Wild Australia with The Bush Tucker Man. L. Hiddens.
Exploring in Australia. H. Biggs.
Fairbridge Kid. J. Lane.
Fields Gold. A story of the Yalgoo goldfields. A. Palmer.
Fields Of Gold, A History Of The Dominican Sisters In Western Australia. R. Marchant James.
First cuts are deepest. P. Malcolm. *
First stage south. D. Popham.
First the spring. A history of the shire of Kojonup. M. Bignell.
Five Graves in Dalwallinu. S. Gervas.
Flying Foam massacre. M.R. Dyson.
Forrest Family ' Pioneers of W.A. A and D Muir.
Fossil's World. M. Zekulich.
Four wheeled pioneers. M. Whitington.
France Australe. L. Marchant.
Frankland to the Stirlings. M. Laurie.
Freo. Portrait of the Port City. S. Gervas.
From afar a people drifted. E. Braid. E. Forbes.
From bush tracks to highway. M. Cartwright.
From our humble beginnings 1928-1978.
From the edge of a timeless land. R. Murray.
From The Ground Up. B. Moore.
Frontiers North. I. O'Riley.
Frontline Policing. R. Primrose.
Frowning fortunes. J.L.B. Jackson.
Full Steam Ahead. John Willinge.
Gascoyne Days. J. Valli.
Gascoyne Murchison outback pathways. S. Mitchell. #
Gateways to gold. H. H. Wilson.
Giant Lettered Sheds. C. Edwards.
Gingin 1830-1860. H. Udell.
Glint of Gold. M. Uren.
Gnowangerup The Town. P. Marshall.
Go on the land young man. D. Goulding.
Gold and Typhoid. V. Whittington. *
Gold dust and iron mountains. H. Edwards. *
Gold Fever. N. Keesing.
Gold Fever and Other Diseases. P. Blyth.
Gold seekers of the 1890s. M. Colligan.
Golden Days. J. Rayside.
Golden grain and silver fleece. F. Eeaton
Golden Opportunities. E.S. Cannon.
Golden quest discovery trail guide book. B. Strickland.
Gone to Rottnest. T. Wiltshire.
Goomalling A backward glance. B. Sewell.
Governors and Premiers of W.A.
Great Australian Ghost Stories. R. Davis.
Great pioneer women of the outback. S. DeVries.
Great Southern Memories. J.A. Genoni.
Green gold. A.C. Frost.
Greenough Flats near Geraldton Western Australia. National Trust.
Gumboots and gelignite. J. Lowrie.
Gutha. Morawa Historical Society.
He Put His Hand Up. R Criddle
Heads and Tails. D. Sheehan. ails. Danny Sheehan.
Hedland Voices.
Herstory. Women in Western Australian History.
Hesperia, a concise history of Perth and Fremantle. M and N Blyth.
Hidden histories. D.B. Rose.
Hills been travelling.
Historical Encyclopedia of Western Australia. J. Gregory, J. Gothard.
History Happened Here. J. Cockington.
History of Nannup. C. Gilbert.
History of the shire of Kent. W. Beecham.
HMAS Sydney Loss and Controversy. T. Frame.
How the West was lost. D. McLeod.
Icon of the north. R. Moran.
In and around Augusta ' Margaret River. Augusta Historical Society.
In and out of town. C. Rowett.
Islands of Angry Ghosts. H. Edwards.
It Helps To Be Stubborn V. Overheu.*
It was quite amazing really. Stories from the Ningaloo coast. P. Mack.
It's not all bull. G. Watson
James Stirling. P.S. Drew.
Jandamurra and the Bunumba resistance. H. Pedersen.
Janet Holmes aCourt. P. Edgar.
Jardee. D. Owens.
Jarrahdalians. The story of the Jarrahdale mine. M. Murphy.
Jimmy Woods Flying Pioneer. J. Lewis.
John Flynn. I. Rudolph.
Journals of Australian Explorations. A. and F. Gregory.
Journals Of Expeditions Of Discovery Into Central Australia. E.J. Eyre.
Journals of Two Expeditions of discovery. G. Grey.
Journey across the Western interior of Australia. P. Egerton Warburton.
Just a century ago. P.R. Heydon.
Kalbarri. S. Mitchell.
Kalkarni the Brookton Story. A. Thomas.
Kanowna's Barrowman. G. Crompton and R. Manners.
Kimberley, dreaming to diamonds. Hugh Edwards.
Kimberley scenes. C. Clement P. Bridge.
Koolanooka. Morawa Historical Society.
Koombana Days. A. Boyd.
Koorda - A district emerges. H. Antonio-Crake
Kunanalling and Beyond. S.R. Bounsell.
Kunjin. The early history. F. Jenkyn.
Kwinana 3rd time lucky. L. Russell.
Lags. A history of the Western Australian convict Phenomenon. B. Edgar.
Land Looking West. M. Uren.
Land of Vision and Mirage. G. Bolton.
Landscope Magazine. CALM/DEC *
Lang Hancock. D. Marshall. *
Lassiter and Giles and the Gold Reef. C.M. Dickson.
Leeuwin lighthouse. C. Ayris.
Leftovers - Rockingham. M. B. Regehr.
Legal Executions in Western Australia. B. Purdue.
Legend of the Kimberley. J. Holman.
Leonora and Gwalia an historical sketchbook. D. and D. Reid.
Letters to home. B. Fawcett. #
Lonely for my land. Tish Lees. *
Looking for Milligan. J. Brine.
Love thy land. A study of the shire of Albany. L. Johnson.
Mandurah and the Murray. R. Richards.
Margaret River. F. Andrijch. P. Forrestal. R. Jordan.
Marlston Hill and all that. P. Barnes.
Marooned. J.A. Henderson.
Massacre Myth. R. Moran.
Masses of Memories. St. Joseph's Busselton.
Mastering Australian history. R. Laidlaw.
Mates and gold. N. K. Sligo. *
Meekatharra ' Centenary.
Meekatharra End of the Earth. P.R. Heydon.
Memories of Champion Bay or old Geraldton. C. Norris.
Memory Lane, Dinninup. E. Blechynden.
Miles of post and wire.
Mingenew 1846-1986. Mingenew Historical Society.
More lonely graves of Western Australia. Y and K Coate.
Mostly good times. E and B Smith. *
Moving a mountain.
Mullewa through the years 1861-1961. W.D. Barden.
Mullewa today and tomorrow. Mundaring. A history of the shire. I. Elliott.
My Albany. Memories and stories. J.A. Genoni.
My Land. S.V. Eakins. # Narrative of a survey Vol 1 and 2. P.P. King.
Nambung here we come. A. Passfield.
Neergabby. W. J. DeBurgh.
No Sundays in the bush. T. Carter.
Nor Westers of the Pilbara breed. J. Hardie.
Northcliffe The town that refused to die. C. Perry.
North Life. F. Cousens.
North West bound. CALM.
Northam. An Avon Valley history. D.S. Graden.
Not an idle man. J.L. Burton Jackson. *
Not so long ago. E.H. Truslove.
Number 2 home. N. Jones.
Old Albany. J. Dowson.
Old Fremantle Childhood. J. Dowson.
Old Toodyay and Newcastle. R. Ericson.
On the beat in the bush. R. Primrose.
On the line. History of Mukinbudin. J. Maddock.
On this side. Western Australian History Group.
One Day in Collie. H.W. Williams.
One life's journey. E. Holthouse.
One Wet Season. I. Idriess.
Our home in the bush. Tales of Tardun. D.H. Plowman. #
Our Past. M. E. Mardon (Ed.)
Outback Heroes. E. McHugh.
Over the bridge. J. D. Payne.
Packhorse and waterhole. G. Buchanan.
Palmers' Outback Legend. D. Palmer, D. Wilkinson.
Parrot pie for breakfast. J. Robinson.
Pastoral pioneers of W.A. 1884-1889. E.T. Hooley. P. J. Bridge (Ed.)
Pearl shell and pastures. K. De La Rue.
Peninsular City. C. C. Florey.
Perth in the 1930s and the way we were. S. Gervas.
Pilbara Bushman. G.I. Wilson.
Pilbara connection. R. Montgomery.
Pilbara Gold 100 years on. A. Holm.
Pilbara Journey. T. Douglass.
Pindar History 1873-1979. B. Thomas.
Pingely, our people and progress. S. Lange.
Pinjarra 1834. A.R. Pashley.
Pintharuka and Merkanooka. Morawa Historical Society.
Pipe dream to pipeline. S. Gervas.
Plantagenet Rich and Beautiful. R. Glover.
Plateau Plain and Coast. McConnell, McGuire and Moore.
Popanyinning Reunion 1989. C. Francis and E. Stubbs.
Port of pearls. H. Edwards. *
Portrait with background. A. Hasluck.
Portraits of the South West. B.K. de garis.
Power for the People. D. Gladwell.
Publicans and Sinners. A. Dunstan.
Quest for Gold. M. Wattone.
Raparapa. P. Marshall
Reading Labels on Jam Tins. Bill Bunbury.
Recollections from a Shoreline. H. Weller.
Red Dog the Pilbara wanderer. B. Duckett.
Red Dog. L. DeBernieres.
Red Dog. N. Gillespie.
Reflections. D. Popham.
Reflections of the Jetty. Busselton oral history group.
Register of classified and recorded buildings. National Trust.
Rest Point Remembered. D. Hands
Richard Spencer Napoleonic War Naval Hero and Australian Pioneer. G. Chessell.
Rights and Freedoms in Australia. J. Wallace & T. Pagone.
Rockingham - The visions unfold. R. Draper.
Road to the Murchison. M. Nixon and R.F.B. Lefroy.
Robert J. Hawke. B. d'Alpugget.
Rottnest Island. W. Sommerville.
Rottnest. Ghosts of Wadjemup. K. Moran.
Rottnest. Its tragedy and its glory. E. J. Watson. *
Round Pool to Woodanilling. J. Bird.
Russian Jack. P.J. Bridge.
Sandstone. From gold to wool and back again. S.L. Senior.
Sarah Theodisia and the Hall family. H. M. Wilson.
Sense of Place. The Fortescue Story.
Sense of Purpose. Fortescue's 10 year journey. N. Garvey.
Sex, maiming and murder. R. Moran.
Shark Bay Days. G.W. Fry.
Shark Bay Legends. R. Cooper.
Shark Bay through 4 centuries. H. Edwards. *
Sharks and Shipwrecks. H. Edwards.
Shipwrecks along the West Australian coast. J. Barnett.
Shipwrecks of Australia's West Coast. M. McCarthy.
Sifting the pieces. D. Moulds.
Some Commemorated Pioneers of the Moora District 1847-1917. Moora Historical Society.
Some ghosts, some not. E.I. Sharp.
Sons in the saddle. M. Durack.
Sort of a place like Home. S. Maushart.
Southern Enterprise. J. Kinsella.
South to Sillytown. B. Marks.
Spinifex and Hessian. S. Hunt. *
Spinifex and Sand. D.W. Carnegie.*
Stories from the past. PBS.
Straight from the heart. M. Griffiths.
Strangers on the shore. L. Silvester.
Swan River Booklets Vol 1-12. Cygnet.
Swan River letters. I. Berryman.
Swan River mania. G. Russo. H. Schmidt.
Tall Timber Brown Paper and Porridge. B. Primrose.
Tell their worth. Tales of the shire of Kojonup. M. Bignell. #
Ten pound Poms. A.J. Hammerton and A. Thomson.
Tenindewa. To sow the barley. D. Lindsay.
Terre Napoleon - A History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia. Ernest Scott
That's not rubbish, That's our possessions. Z. Bates-Claydon.
The A to Z of who's who in W.A. B. Elder (Ed.)
The Aborigines of Western Australia. A. F. Calvert.
The Afghans in Australia. M. Cigler.
The Australian Frontier Wars 1788-1838. J. Connor.
The Australian Geographic book of the Kimberley. D. McGonigal.
The Australian Miscellany. D. Morgan.
The beckoning west. E. Smith.
The Beginning. R.T. Appleyard. T. Manford.
The Boonah Tragedy. I. Darrach.
The Bride ships. Rica Erikson. *
The Bushman, Life in a New Country. E. W. Landor.
The Catalpa Expedition. Z.W. Pease. *
The centenary companions to Australian Federation. H. Irving.
The challenge and the chance. K. Forrest.
The Chief C.Y. O'Connor. M. Tauman. *
The colony of Western Australia. A manual for emigrants 1839. N. Ogle.
The conscious stone. A.G. Evans. #
The Customs and Traditions of the Aboriginal Natives of North Western Australia. J. G. Withnell.
The Development of Miling. A.L. Seymour.
The Early Ocean Explorers. N. Brasch.
The emu's watering place. M.J. Pederick.
The Emigrant's Friend.
The enduring years. B. Kershaw. *
The Exploration of Australia. M. Cannon.
The Explorers of Australia and their life work. E. Favenc.
The fabled Swan. C. Bryce.
The Faces in your Purse. K. Price.
The Fenians in Australia. K. Amos. #
The First 500 Million. J. McIlwraith.
The first spring. M. Bignell.
The Flying Docotr Story. George Wilson.
The foundations of Fremantle. D. Tout-Smith.
The French Explorers and the Aboriginal Australians 1772-1839. C. Dyer.
The fruit of the country. Gnowangerup. M Bignell.
The Glittering Years. A.L. Bennett.
The Golden Mile. G. Blainey.
The Golden Quest. A.C.V. Bligh.
The Golden Rule. B. Sheppard.
The Golden West and How it was Discovered. D. Greaves.
The great Aussie fact book. B. Edwards.
The Great Southern expedition of 1835. L. Nelson.
The Hancock story. H.L. Kilpatrick.
The history of Cowaramup District Social Club.
The history of Morawa district. F.H. Goldsmith.
The history of north west Australia. J. Battye.
The history of the Merredin district. F.A. Law.
The Irish in Western Australia. B. Reece.
The Kulin shire chronicles. S. Gervas.
The Law of Landcare in Western Australia. J.P. Clement et. al.
The Legend of Sam Chalwell. N. Fuller.
The life and times of Moondyne Joe. W.J. Edgar.
The life of Matthew Flinders. E. Scott. *
The light of Leeuwin. G. J. Cresswell.
The Lockerville Legend. E. Nelson-Broad.
The long road north. F.B. Morony.
The Macquarie Encyclopedia of Australian Events.
The Man. H.R.H. Prince Leonard. R.C. Hyslop.
The Mapping of Australia. R. Clancy.
The master pearler's daughter. R. Hemphill. *
The Merchant Princes of Fremantle. P.M. Brown.
The Mermaid Tree. R. Tiley. *
The Murray district of Western Australia. R. Richards.
The Mystery of the Mayanup Poltergeist. H. Hack.
The Naval Pioneers of Australia. L. Becke. W. Jeffery.
The navigators. K. Toft. *
The Outback Trail. A.J. Luck. #
The Passing of the Aborigines. D. Bates.
The Peel Estate 1919-1936. T. Shortter.
The People of Perth: C.T. Stannage.
The Perenjori Episode, 1926. Ed. S. Davies.
The pocket guide to the Pilbara. D. Kirkland.
The Pumphreys' journey. P.B. Ebner. *
The road to Prevelly. G. Edwards.
The Royal Flying Doctor Story. G. Wilson.
The Sandgroper's Trail. P. Bodeker.
The scarlet stain. S. Milentis. P.J. Bridge.
The scheme. Christian Brothers childcare in W.A. B.M. Coldrey.
The Search for the Sydney. D. L. Mearns.
The Serpentine. N.J. Coy.
The settlement on the sound. D.A.P. West.
The Sherwood Papers. Margaret Love.
The Story of New Norcia. Benedictine Community.
The Story of Telecross in W.A.
The story of the Chinese in Broome. S. Yu. C. Tang Wai.
The Stump Jumpers. N. Lawrence & S. Bunk.
The Timber People A history of Bunnings Ltd. J Mills
The Turners of Augusta. T. Turner.
The Victoria Plains. R. Ericson.
The Vital Link. A history of Main Roads W.A. L. Edmonds.
The way it was. Mid-west fishermen and their boats from 1894. R. Cooper.
The way of St. Werburghs. D. Crabb.
The way through. The story of Narrogin. O.E. Pustkuchen.
The west Pilbara. D.L. Gordon.
The Western State. Some of its people and ports. J. Stakes. #
The Westerners. D. Hancock.
The Wheat Book. W.K. Anderson.
The White Divers of Broome. J. Bailey. #
The Williams. H.G. Cowin.
The Winds that blew at Cossack. E.M. Noblet.
The Wollaston Journals Vol 1.
The world of Albert Facey. J.B. Hirst.
The wreck of the barque Stefano. G. Rathe.
The Years of News from The West Australian and Perth Daily News. R. Haig.
There were three ships. C. Richards.
They came to the Margaret. F. Terry.
They made their destiny. History of settlement Shire of Harvey. A.C. Staples.
They took up the gauntlet and other yarns. A.M. Mitchell.
They wished upon a star. P.T. McMahon.
Thomas Peel of Swan River. A. Hasluck.
Through the seventh gate. B. King.
Thunder in the North. I. O'Riley.
Time Gentlemen - A history of the hotel industry in W.A. C deMori.
Timber and two up. K.E. Watkins.
Tin Dog Creek. The Dowerin story. S. Gervas.
To be heirs forever. M. Durack.
To the Bar bonded. K. Mallett. *
To Wallal and back. J. Ridley.
Towards Federation. L. Hunt.
Tracks through the Midlands. History of the Morora district. M. Laurie. #
Traveller under concern. F. Mackie. #
Travels in Western Australia. M. Vivienne.
Treasury of Australian folklore. W. Stone.
Twentieth Century Impressions of W.A. P. Thiel.
Under the iron rainbow. O. White.
Unfinished Voyages. 1622-1850. G. Henderson.
Unfinished Voyages. 1851-1880. G. and KJ Henderson.
Unfinished Voyages. 1881-1900. L. Cairns and G. Henderson.
Unwilling Emigrants. Alexandra Hasluck.
Very much on watch. M. Eakin.
View from Kalgoorlie. T. Mayman.
Voyage of discovery to Terra Australis. P. Playford.
Voyage of the Batavia. F. Pelseart.
Voyage of the Hougomont. T.M. Fennell.
Voyage to disaster. H. Drake-Brockman. *
Voyage to Tera Australis Vol 1 and 2. M. Flinders.
Voyages to the south seas. D. Clode. *
Walker in the wilderness. J. Anketell.
Wannamal: A history. B. Buchanan.
War clouds over Nannup. A.E. Hartley.
Way to the gold. M. Wattone.
Welcome to Local History. E. Jaggard, R. Baugh.
We were the Christmas Islanders. M. Neale.
West of the bight. B. Fuller.
Western Australia 1912 An Official Handbook.
Western Australia 1925 An Official Handbook.
Western Australia as it is today (1906). L. Zunini. #
Western Australia in the 20th Century. P. Cornish.
Western Australia. A pictorial parade of 150 years. H.C. James.
Western Australia. J. Battye.
Western Australian Exploration 1826-1835 Vol 1. J. Shoobert (Ed.)
Western Australia's Great Escape. L. Barry
Western Australia's Lady Forrest 1844-1929. F.K. Crowley.
Western Australia's tempestuous history. Vol 1. J. Nairn.
Western Australia's tempestuous history. Vol 2. J. Nairn.
Western Australia's Mid West. D. Mitchell.
Western Australian exploration 1826-1835 Vol1 J. Shoobert.
Western Australian readings. J.M.R. Cameron and E.K.G. Jaggard (Ed.)
Western Heritage. R and J Oldham.
Western Memories. R. Hood. T. Graham. D. James. V. Wilson. Western Pioneers. J. E. Hammond.
Westralian Portraits. L. Hunt.
Western Towns and Buildings. M. Pitt Morison, J. White.
Westralian Voices. M. Aveling.
Whaleback Tales. P. Eckhart.
Wharf Rats and other stories. K. Lang & J. Newman.
Wheat Wool and Wodjil. D. Repton.
Wheel Tracks, Trucking across the great North West. W.W. Ammon.
When blue was true. History of the Brunswick area. B. Stanley.
When was that. Chronology of Australia from 1788. A. Barker.
Who put Australia on the map' E. McDonald.
Why Broome. N. Trevor.
Why not Broome. N. Trevor.
Wide Domain. B. Bennett & W. Grono.
Wide Sea Wide Land. L. Bell.
Wildflower country, Mullewa W.A.
Wildflowers of the western state. Rolsh Productions.
William and Elizabeth Criddle. R. Criddle.
William Dampier in New Holland. A.S. George.
William Dampier. C. Lloyd.
William Ford and Coolgardie. A.K. Clemenson.
Wiluna, Edge of the desert. E and B Smith.
Wings in the West. R.O. Giles.
Winning the Gascoyne. Rhonda McDonald.
Wiping out the tracks. L.A. Schubert.
Women of the land. R. Bowden.
Wongan Ballidu Pioneering days. R.B. Ackland.
Wookeen. D. Gratte.
Woolwoolling reflections. G. Warren.
Wyalkatchem. J. C. Rice.
Yalgoo. A. Palmer.
Yeera Muk A Doo. W. Withnell Taylor. *
Yilgarn Venture. A. Cameron. *
Youanmi. A story of Murchison gold. J.M. Hooper.
Natural History
Acacias of the Wellstead District. Leighton et. al.
A field guide to the mammals of Australia. P. Menkhorst and F Knight.
A guide to native orchids of South Western Australia. B. Liddelow.
A Guide to Plants of Inland Australia. P. Moore.
A Guide to the flora and fauna of the Rockingham Offshore Islands and Cape Peron. W.A. Naturalists Club
Arid bushland plants. A.A. Mitchell D.G. Wilcox.
Arid shrubland plants of W.A. A.A. Mitchell, D.G. Wilcox.
Australian Native Plants. G. Bryant.
Australian Seafood Hand Book. G.K. Yearsley, P.R. Last, R.D. Ward.
Australian succulent plants. An introduction. A. Kapitany.
Australia's Dangerous Creatures. Readers Digest.
A wild Australia Guide Native Plants. C. Hope. S Parish.
Banksias of the Wellstead District. Leighton and North.
Broome and beyond. K.F. Kenneally, D. Choules and T. Willing.
Catalogue of Tress for growing under Western Australian Conditions. W. R. Wallace.
Colour guide to Spring wildflowers of Western Australia parts 2/3/4. E. Wajon.
Colour guide to the wildflowers of central and Western Australia. D. Grieg.
Common trees of the South West forests. J. Wheeler.
Common wildflowers of the South West forests. A. Brown, G. Keighery, C. Thomson.
Discovering the Wildflowers of Western Australia. M. Pieroni.
Extraordinary plants. Blair, Swain, Annison.
Field Guide to Australian wildflowers. D. Grieg.
Field guide to weeds in Australia. C. Lamp. F. Collet.
Field guide to the wildflowers of Australia's South West. Augusta - Margaret River. J. Scott. P. Negus.
Find that flower. J. Scott.
Flowers and plants of Western Australia. Ericson, George, Marchant, Morcombe.
Guide to the wildflowers of South Western Australia. S. Nevill, N. McQuoid.
Hakeas a field and garden guide. I. Holliday.
Kangaroos and Wallabies of Australia. L.K. Curtis.
Key Guide. Australian Wildflowers. L. Cronin.
Mammals of the south west. B. Johnson and C. Thomson.
Melaleucas and Grevillias. I. Holliday.G. Bryant.
Native Plants. ABC Gardening Australia.
Orchids of South West Australia. N. Hoffman, A. Brown.
Pilbara Coastal Flora. G.F. Craig.
Plants of the Perth coast and islands. E. Rippey, B. Rowland.
Pretty but poisonous. R.C.H. Shepherd.
Selected Flowering Eucalypts of Western Australia. W.R. Wallace
Starting out with natives. J. Wrigley, M. Fagg.
The Australian gardener's wildflower catalogue. D. Greig.
The Mitchell Beazley guide to mushrooms and toadstools. D. N. Pegler.
The magical world of fungi. P. Negus.
The Random House encyclopedia of Australian native plants.
The Taipan. P. Masci, P. Kendall.
The Wild Pilbara. B and B Wells.
Wangalili. Juluwarlu Aboriginal Corp.
Western Australia's endangered flora. CALM.
Western Weeds. B.M.J. Hussey Et. Al.
What shrub is that' S. Macoboy.
What wildflower is that' A.M. Blombery.
Wildflower country. S. and K. Breeden.
Wildflowers of Australia's South West. Augusta - Margaret River. J. Scott. P. Negus.
Wildflowers of Dryandra Woodland. Foss and Gurry.
Wildflowers of Southern Western Australia. M.G. Corrick, B.A. Fuhrer.
Wildflowers of the Stirling Range. Barrett and Cochrane.
Wildflowers of the South Coast. J. Wheeler.
Wildflowers of Western Australia. J and M Lochman.
Other items of interest
guide to the Bibbulmun track - Northern Half. CALM
guide to the Bibbulmun track - Southern Half. CALM
guide to the Kimberley coast. L. Zell.
Family Walks in Perth Outdoors. CALM publication.
Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park. CALM.
The Cape to Cape
Guide book. J. Scott. R. Forma.
Travellers Guide to the parks and reserves of Western Australia. S.
Heritage trails of Western Australia. A.S. O'Brien.
Beyond the Swan. C. Drake.
Australia - An eco-travellers guide. H. Robinson.
Survival. Remote area first aid. St. John Ambulance.
Penelope, Bungles to Broome. T. Bowden.
Videos & DVDs.
Air Australia
Australians at War
Little Dove - Big voyage.
New Norcia. AFI.
The real Captain Bligh.
Electronic resources (CD Rom)
Australian Dictionary of Biography
Bibbulmun Track - Mandalay to Albany.
Mammals of Australia
Marine life in W.A.
Natural wonders of Australia
Traces of the past.
National Trust.
West Australian Pioneer index
Wild about Western Australia
Alan Carpenter - former Premier of Western Australia Adim Hajat -
Cocos Island Alison Ryan - Coolgardie Brad Donaldson. Thanks
for the use of your photos.
Caroline Brocx
for the use of her photographs Chantelle,
Casual Records Officer - Shire of Roebourne City of Albany
History Office Colin Ingram. Dept. of Environment and
Conservation. Dannielle Hill - Shire of Carnarvon David
Templeman MLA - former Minister for Environment; Climate change;
Peel. Dennis Ford - Photos and maps of the Kimberley
Derek Graham
the use of his photographs
Don Copley
for the use of many of his photographs. Donna Faragher. Minister
for Environment; Youth. E.W. Piper - City of Kalgoorlie Boulder
for the use of her
photographs Ian Fitzgerald, Kevin Dickson - Nyabing J.S.
Battye Library K Graham, CEO - Exmouth Karratha History Office
Langtree family. Leonie Marsden, Administration Officer Tambellup
Shire Letitia Moyce - Shire of East Pilbara Local History
Office ' Shire of Roebourne Margaret River and Districts
Historical Society. Maurie White & Kym Eckersley - Town of
Max Jefferies
the use of his photographs Mick Cole, Community Development
Officer - Shire of Kellerberrin
Mike Ryan, RF Power.
Ms Cathy M Craigie - Shire of Dardanup Narelle - Shire of Moora
Nick Broome.
Owen Anderton - HarveyShire Council Pam Smith - Broome Peter
Webster - Mt. Magnet Rob & Judy Tudor Rob Madson and the
Tourism Committee - Brookton Shire. Sharon Kennedy - Hancock
Prospecting. Sheila McHale MLA - former Minister for Culture and
the Arts Shire of Augusta / Margaret River Shire of Busselton
Shire of Collie Shire of Katanning Shire of Mukinbudin
Shire of Victoria Plains Steve and Bec McKinney for the use of
their internet connection. Sue Franklin - Bunbury Public Library
Town of Cuballing Town of Goomalling Town of Koorda Town of
Morawa Town of Onslow Town of Pannawonica Town of Tom Price
Town of Toodyay Town of York University of Adelaide Library
Electronic Texts Collection Wendy Watters - Shire of Greenough
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